Palin dogs ethics complaints

Val, you're not gullible enough to believe that she's alone having done this, are ya? Every politician uses their influence to get done what they want. She may have been less discrete about how she did it, but it's hardly anything new. It's essentially the same abuse of power when someone has that pal at city hall help them squash a parking ticket.

While we may wish it otherwise, people don't seek power to help others. They seek power to serve themselves. A comedy of errors that can't be helped when you give the power to make laws to the same people charged with enforcing them at the highest levels. That's why you have two branches of gov't, congress and senate; to separate the power. Unfortunately, it's nowhere near separate enough anymore.
I'm certainly not gullible enough to believe that any politician truly represents "the people"... they represent their own interests. I don't care what "party" they come from. I don't trust any of them. But I sure as hell trust Palin the least. ;)