Palin Response to 0bama Speech

I am trying hard to be a good boy here this time, but I am willing to risk repercussions as long as I am only trying to be honest and call it as I see it, I have done all that I can....
It is not like I am asking for Gonz to be sanctioned. I am a big boy and I can take it, and truthfully I can't know his intent behind the posts. Just calling it as I see it, so he can be aware is all.

Take 2

That's right Gonz FEEL the hate, but feel it for the philosophy, not the people.

The woman is a stupid, ignorant, idiotic, moron of a hick-ass bufoon with no answers at all! Anyone who takes her seriosly is much if not all of the above. You fucking cons talk about "liberals" only attacking cons and not offerring solutions, and she does that exactly that, and you praise her?!? Worthless bunch of shit, and you ALL know it!

Hatemongering is not becoming.
Oh yes, and it is too early to be totally sure but I really like this new pill, no noticeble symptoms or side effects and better still it just went generic!