Palm pilot toys


Well-Known Member
I[ve got a Palm Pilot...I'm looking for a few good games or programs to make it a better tool for scheduling/billing.

Anyone know of any decent Palm progs that are freeware/shareware?
I have an old Handspring Visor circa 2000. I used to have the 2000 Florida Vote Tabulator on it. That was a fun little time waster... especially when it showed Al Gore saying, "I invented Palm Pilots."
I use mine as an e-book reader. I have Adobe Acrobat and Rich Reader on it and quite a collection of pdf's and text files. Pictures are a litlle problematic, but I always have a book with me.
chcr said:
I use mine as an e-book reader. I have Adobe Acrobat and Rich Reader on it and quite a collection of pdf's and text files. Pictures are a litlle problematic, but I always have a book with me.
I've got Acrobat...It works...OK I guess, though sometimes the text gets all fucked up. Rich Reader, I'm not familiar with. Thanks!

A while back, I DLed a program to help me keep track of the work I was doing freelance. Hours, progress, dates...very nice. When I finished my trial, I went to the website to buy it. The 'company' went tits-up. Now I can't use the software and can't buy it either. THe program was too unknown for cracks to exist. :shrug:
Been looking for a replacement ever since.

Thanks for the linkies AB!