Papers suck


New Member
I have until November 21st to write a 5-7 page paper about Italy in 1926 using 15 articles from at least 5 different PRIMARY sources.

And I can't read Italian.
Primary sources enable the researcher to get as close as possible to what actually happened during an historical event or time period. Primary sources were either created during the time period being studied, or were created at a later date by a participant in the events being studied (as in the case of memoirs) and they reflect the individual viewpoint of a participant or observer.
A quick google says primary sources also include someone alive during the period. Mussolini or others have any published text?
Saw his name come up in a few searches discussing military matters with nearby countries in '26. Sources from other countries about him/related events?
15 articles from 5 sources isn't too terribly bad if you think about it. I had one paper (Religion and Radio, I think it was) which required 15 from 15, published, no internet. Bleh.
The last paper I can recall writing in college was a 63 page nightmare constructed from over 100 primary sources and god knows how many quotes dealing with the interaction of Japan, the US, and South Korea and their dealings with the North. I had to build a future extrapolation of what I felt was going to happen.
How far back does the Lexis/Nexus database go? You could also hit up your school's library for the newspapers of the time, most likely on microfiche.
Lexis/Nexus, apparently, has everything under the sun. Including outrageous pricing.
I never had much luck finding sources on Lex/Nex. Too much crap to wade through to find gems.
Fresno State paid for the subscription... trade-off is that I had to access it on a computer in the library.

WSU had a site set up to act like a proxy so you could sign in (student ID) and browse it from anywhere, on behalf of the library. Only certain collections allowed that kind of remote access though.
Good luck...I tried to do a report on the leaning tower of Pisa for school one time (we had to talk about something in engineering history...either the development of a new technology (I ended up doing the history of tunneling) or a specific feat of engineering that is amazing or was sorta a flop)...anyway, everything was in Italian so I had to scrap it :(