Papers suck

that's a really interesting period in italian history. i just picked up a couple books on italian history... one's just about the formation of a unified italy in the 19th century and the other is a broader survey.

i would look for "oral histories" though they might be tough to find. i wrote a paper on the 1931 (IIRC) briggs body strike (they made car bodies in detroit - the laborers got upset about inconsistent hours, among other things) based on a bunch of oral histories (long, transcribed interviews with guys that were there) as well as timely news clippings and court documents.
I finished college before the internet was widely used. Never wrote any of my papers using it. Had to do it the old fashioned way...plagarize from the actual books/journals/etc. And I had to do it in the snow. Uphill. Both ways. And I was thankful to do it too. [/Bill Cosby]
Started by googling "Italy 1926" to find lists of events that happened. I have about 75% of a page full of stuff. Going to hunt primary sources based on these events.

Mussolini's Italian Revolution is a great one, as well as Marconi's success.
Started by googling "Italy 1926" to find lists of events that happened. I have about 75% of a page full of stuff. Going to hunt primary sources based on these events.

Mussolini's Italian Revolution is a great one, as well as Marconi's success.

You used Google's news archive search, right? I just checked it out today.

It's pretty neat.
I sent an email to my professor asking about historical documents. He reminded me that I have to use the sources listed on the syllabus. So I looked, and there are lists of magazines and newspapers that are the only options available for this paper. Of the list of 11, I can only use 5 because the others do not date back to 1926.

Thank goodness the minimun is 5. I'm using:

The New York Times
Time Magazine
The Atlantic Monthly
The Nation
The New Republic

Finding 15 articles isn't a problem, as I found about 25 just from The New York Times index. Just have to microfilm those suckers.