parking lot adventure

Damn right you need to go after her. People like that count on others being too busy to chase them down. If she left without giving you her insurance and license number, have the police go after her for hit and run too.

Too scary for ya, GF?;)
when i found the ding, i had security chase her down and got her numbers before she took off.
my car is always parked in that lot when i work. she is a part time evening student. she must have figured she'd be long gone before i got back to my car.
i'm glad i went to move it closer (it was quite chilly out that night)
One night, at a job I had only been at for two weeks, I backed my car into a co-workers truck. I got out, looked around, nobody came out of the office, so I high tailed it. I know, I'm an ass.

I was also running late for a booty call, so, anyway, when I got home I looked at my car in better light I noticed that I had busted out my tail light. So, knowing there was evidence behind I decided to go back and fess up (after I was done with business of course)

When I get back to the office and go in I tell the coach/lead/supervisor on duty what had happened. When I described the truck to her she started laughing hysterically. We went outside with several people following. I pointed to the truck and the (which I honestly hadn't noticed at first) the substantial dent in the back of the truck.

This only caused her and the others to laugh even harder.

"That dent," she advised me, "is the dent I put there when I backed into his truck. If you hit him there as well, you can't even tell. If I were you, I'd never tell him about it. He left it parked here tonight because he went to the bar next door and was too drunk to drive it home."

And she turned around and walked back inside. As far as I know, he never found out.
Aunty Em said:
Spot said:
just got the initial appraisal for my little ding. $380.
called the insurance co. and got the paper work started.

Is it going to affect your insurance premium when it next comes up for renewal?

I don't know that it would affect your premium considering you weren't in the car and if you prove it was her fault, her insurance company will be paying and they won't penalize you.

Now, if you couldn't find the person who did it and put in a claim and *your* insurance had to cover it, not only would you get very little or nothing because of your deductible, it would count against you at renewal time. Insurance companies like collecting your money but don't like laying it out when you need it. Bastards.
My first winter here in Canada, I was shitty at driving on icy roads. I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital (where I worked) and was just about to turn into a parking spot when a gal was about to walk past, so I attempted to stop... only to sliiiiide right into some lady's car - the rim around the wheel well (sp?) got dented. It so happened that her son was a mechanic, so he gave an estimate of 250 to fix it, and he got two other mechanic friends to give the same estimate - so I paid her.

She never got it fixed. She kept the cash.:mad:

SO... about 5 yrs later, I was parallel parking and accidentally bumped into someones car... so.. I got out... pulled out my drivers licence and insurance card and wrote on a piece of paper,

The note said:

"Hi - sorry for hitting your car. I can't leave you my info because I am broke, but am leaving this note cuz people are watching."

I don't feel guilty about it.:p