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Too cute for words
The "Blue Collar Comedy Tour Revisited" is on Comedy Central tonight. "GITTERDUN"
you never saw "The Blue Collar Comedy Tour"?
missed a good one if thats the case.
unclehobart said:
Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall (Here's your sign), Larry the Cable Guy and Ron "Tater Salad" White in concert together. The original was very good. Supposedly new material. I think Ron White is my favorite. I think it's always the cocktail hour at Ron's house.
OK an hour and a half of uproarious stand up comedy
and only one bleep for the werd bullsh*t and one digi-smear for the "the bird".

“I was told that if you can't say anything nice about someone then…

you must be talking about Hillary Clinton…”

I watched that last night too. Pretty good. Larry is great in small doses...his act gets tired. Bill Engvall is such a kissass it ruins his act. I mean, yeah he owes his entire career to Foxworthy, but c'mon dude...lighten up. Tate is OK, doesn't seem to fit the other guys all that well.

Larry keeps cracking the other comics up...that's a good sign. I know at least 15 guys just like him...scary.
I know at least 15 guys just like him...scary.

I actually saw Bill Engvall before I ever heard of Jeff Foxworthy. He used to do a bit (that Foxworthy kind of copied) about southern words that don't exist in the north. The only one I still remember is "momonyms." "Momonyms going to the Piggly Wiggly..."
i heard the second part was only okay.

i have seen the first one almost 50 times by now.