Passenger too sexy for Southwest Airlines


New Member
Picture this: You arrive for your Southwest Airlines (NYSE: LUV) flight early. You manage to avoid packing excessive amounts of liquids in your carry-on baggage. You remember your ID, you wait until your seat is called, you stow your bags properly. You're even prepared to turn off your electronic devices and stow your tray table and put your seat in its upright and locked position when ... you're asked to leave the plane because you're showing a little too much leg.

Haha! What is this, 1951? Nope. It's 2007, and a few months ago waitress Kyla Ebbert (who works at Hooters, where scantily-clad is a good thing) was escorted off a Southwest Airlines flight from San Diego to Tucson because her outfit -- a miniskirt, tank top, and cropped sweater -- was too revealing (I don't see any cleavage and she was wearing a bra). She put up a fuss and was eventually let back on the plane after a lecture on her dress, or lack thereof.

If it was any tighter, it's be under her skin. Maybe whoever asked her to be removed was Muslim.
A terrible inconvenience that must have been great for her ego. I can't wait for the first time I'm not allowed to do something because I'm too good looking.

...Still waiting...

I'm wondering if it was a ploy between her and a steward to get her some
publicity the kick start her career.:shrug:
lol... well I think it's fine... I hate hoochies like that. They're the reason good women have it so hard... if we don't look like THAT we must be bad people.


</end hating-girls-that-look-better-than-i rant>
well the carrier could use a swift kick.

Depends on whether or not they actually got any complaints, or they have a dress code on the back of the ticket in small print. I'd rather piss off one passenger than 200. :shrug:
oh i just kinda meant generally "southwest sucks." though it's fine if yer broke and got lots of time to sit in 3 different airports for layovers....
lol... well I think it's fine... I hate hoochies like that. They're the reason good women have it so hard... if we don't look like THAT we must be bad people.


</end hating-girls-that-look-better-than-i rant>

i hate the ones that say things like "don't hate me cuz you ain't me!" and stuff like that. because i am soooo not even jealous. *subscribes to alternative standards of beauty*
oh i just kinda meant generally "southwest sucks." though it's fine if yer broke and got lots of time to sit in 3 different airports for layovers....

I loved the $29. LAX to Phoenix runs they used to have.
i hate the ones that say things like "don't hate me cuz you ain't me!" and stuff like that. because i am soooo not even jealous. *subscribes to alternative standards of beauty*

lol... alternative standards of beauty... nice... I'm a fan of the whole "real beauty" thing... it seems completely pointless to diet and diet and diet and starve and starve and drool over that brownie just so some hotshot asshole will be seen with me... I'd much rather find a guy I can scarf random foods down with... and burp together later on... maybe even argue over who can burp the best... that's my style. I can be a lady too but fuck the figure.
Anyway...What I particularly noted was the following...

Southwest, like other airlines, has language in its contract of carriage that states it reserves the right to deny service to customers whose clothing is "lewd, obscene or patently offensive."

So we come to this. Whose idea of "lewd, obscene or patently offensive" are we talking about? Let the games begin, and, please, don't fall back on that 'Free Speech' argument. It doesn't apply in these cases because, basically, you signed those away when you bought the ticket, thereby agreeing to the carriers terms. ;)
Your house, your rules. My house, my rules. I buy a ticket on an aeroplane, I BY PROXY agree to their rules. They wanna land that plane in my back yard, they'll agree to MY rules. Nobody put a gun to her head and told her to A) fly; B) fly that airline, or C) to dress in any particular manner. All three were choices she made.

FTR, I think it was all a publicity stunt to get her on a reality TV show...
'Too sexy for Southwest ... perfect for Playboy'

‘Too sexy for Southwest ... perfect for Playboy’
Woman pulled from flight because of clothes reveals a lot more on Web
updated 9:18 a.m. ET, Fri., Nov. 16, 2007

DALLAS - A 23-year-old college student who was told by a Southwest Airlines employee that her outfit was too revealing to fly is wearing even less on Playboy’s Web site.

Kyla Ebbert appears in a series of pictures — some in lingerie, some nude — under the heading, “Legs in the Air.”

“They’re very tastefully done,” Ebbert told The Associated Press on Thursday. “I don’t see anything wrong with the female body.”

Playboy contacted Ebbert’s attorney to pitch the idea of posing. After “a little bit of talking” to convince her mother, Ebbert agreed. She said her boyfriend supported her decision, but “the most hesitant one was my dad.”

On its Web site, Playboy says Ebbert “was too sexy for Southwest Airlines, but she’s perfect for Playboy.”
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