Pasta maker.


100% Pure Canadian Beef
After about 8 months of searching (meaning going into stores to hear they are out of stock) we got a pasta maker.

so far made ravioli last night.

and spaghetti tonight.

I likes it.
It is a Josef Strauss one - one of the metal rolly ones.

According to Google, it is made by the ORLY Trading company. Har.

That... is disturbing.

Fresh pasta for dinner tonight w/ home-made basil/parsley pesto & broccolini!

Here's a shitty phone cam pic:


Couldn't be arsed using the pasta machine, so I just rolled it out & used a pizza slicer to cut the pasta. Bitchin'. :D
omg that looks good.

We're gonna have to get one of those. We were thinking of using the kitchen curtain rod, but somehow that weirds us out.
Yeah, not so good if the pasta strips slip & fall off onto the floor either. :blank: In the past, I've used the clothes horse, but any heavily floured surface will do if you just want to lay them flat.