Patriot Act II-Has anyone read this?

Sections worth noting.

201, 301, 306, 312, 101-103, 106, 109-111, 122, 123, 126-129.

I hadn't really paid any attention to this until now. Many people might look at this and say no big deal because we live in America and the officials aren't corrupt but the fact of the matter is we have these rights & laws because leaders can't be trusted to judge. A communist state would work wonders for the world if people(government officials) were inherently good but that's just not how it is.
128c really bugs me. It makes any law enforcement officer or agency immune from lawsuits from any nasty and illegal tactics that they chose to dabble in ... so long as they were acying under the catch all umbrella of 'good faith'
120 pages???

Government should not have all this power. It's an act of double jeopardy for a government. If we are attacked then not enough is being done. While we're not in immediate threat it's too much power. There is no right answer. Screw Montana, northern Canada is looking better & better.