paul supporter makes beck look like the rational one

Vote wise, I'm thinking that nothing really matters anymore.
Even if there was a landslide victory in the Senate and
Romney wins the White House and Republicans retain the house.
(blah blah blah)
There is zero chance of the people in Washington D.C
actually doing what they should do and for them to stop
doing what they shouldn't do.

As if they will ever:
Repeal Obamacare
Balance the budget
Reform entitlements
Lower taxes & regulation
and begin to pay off the public debt
bring the troops home?

No Cat we are going to get Romney and he's just Obama-lite.
He'll see to it Obamacare gets started up and once it does
there will be no stopping it. We will embrace European style socialism.
Let mediocrity be our creed.

yanno what the funny thing about all this is?
and you mark my words
In no time at all (in the general scheme of things)
the 2nd amendment will be wholly null & void.

ron paul is a nutball
and so are his supporters

so what else is new?

Is he going to run as a 3rd party candidate?
cuz he sure as heck isn't going to win the Republican nomination

Paul is doing quite well so it would just be undermining his candidacy to ask him if he will run as a third party. Paul is the only one with a sure bet to win against Obama. He is the only one that can maintain Republican support, is number one among independents, and he attracts democrats. No one else can get all those demographics. I bet even spike would vote for him.

Have a look: What the New PPP 3-Way Race Poll Shows: Only A Ron Paul Led Republican Ticket Can Beat Obama
No I suppose I have to spell it out FOR YOU!

Ron Paul IS NOT going to win the Republican nomination.
And you say he's NOT going to run as a 3rd party candidate
then so who the hell are YOU going to vote for? Hmmmmm?
No I suppose I have to spell it out FOR YOU!

Ron Paul IS NOT going to win the Republican nomination.
And you say he's NOT going to run as a 3rd party candidate
then so who the hell are YOU going to vote for? Hmmmmm?

I did not say he is not running as a third party.
yeah I'm not going to bother to vote
ever again for the rest of my life
its all just a waste of time
ron paul will win however he runs...

he is ron paul.

he is immaculate. he walks on water. if the polls say he will lose, it is because the media is plotting against him. if he does well in polls, it is because he is ron paul. i love ron paul. i want him to inseminate my girl.
Yes, I think Ron Pauls foreign policy remarks indicate he could be a danger to the United States.

Is that clear enough?

Could be? You're basing your vote on a could be? What about what we know that IS a danger to the U.S.? Like the debt, economy, police state, etc. All these and more Ron Paul will address.

You're like a member of a crew on a pirate ship of which who are about to vote on a new captain or determine to keep the current one. The ship has holes in it and is slowly sinking and some of the wood is rotting. You want to vote in one of the other crew members who will engage in other pirate ships in a manner you favour. But there is one crew member who wants to address the problems that should be the top priority like fixing the ship!

ARGH, GONZ! Wake up and smell the seaweed!