Peaceful Palestinans


molṑn labé
Staff member

RAFAH, Gaza Strip - Palestinian militants angry at the jailing of their leader by Palestinian police stole two bulldozers Wednesday and rammed through a wall near the border with Egypt, hours after they blocked the official border crossing and took over government buildings.

The gunmen, who belong to the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, a violent offshoot of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah Party, rammed through the massive wall as a show of force against the Palestinian Authority. They had not breached a second wall directly on the border with Egypt.


Until the Israelis kick the shit out of these terrorists, once & for all, they will control the Palestine territories. Unless that happens, a Palestinian nation will be nothing but a terrorist breeding ground. Thus, the circle remains unbroken.
I wonder how many people in the colonies were content to live under English rule ... until a bunch of militants started a war?
Professur said:
I wonder how many people in the colonies were content to live under English rule ... until a bunch of militants started a war?

Those militants at least had the common decency to levee their attacks against uniformed enemies, and not the general public. ;)

BTW...the same can be said for William Wallace.
Professur said:
I wonder how many people in the colonies were content to live under English rule ... until a bunch of militants started a war?

The major diference is with the terrorist it's either your Islamic or your dead...
highwayman said:
The major diference is with the terrorist it's either your Islamic or your dead...

Considering that half the maritime population was american royalist running for their lives .......
Professur said:
Considering that half the maritime population was american royalist running for their lives .......

From the Brits? you got that right...

Why bring that up here? Unless your gunning to join the Palistinians...
highwayman said:
From the Brits? you got that right...

Why bring that up here? Unless your gunning to join the Palistinians...

Neg, running from the revolutionaries.

And why bring it up? Because too often americans forget that their own nation started off with gunfire and death, and none-to-honorable tactics for the day. These people are doing, with today's tech and morals, what your ancestors did back then.
Professur said:
Neg, running from the revolutionaries.

And why bring it up? Because too often americans forget that their own nation started off with gunfire and death, and none-to-honorable tactics for the day. These people are doing, with today's tech and morals, what your ancestors did back then.

So. What's this got to do with William Wallace?
Professur said:
Dunno. You're the only one talking about him.

Well...for one, he was classified an outlaw in his time by the British.
Second, he fought only standing armies.
Third, he only targeted authority figures.
Fourth, he never involved third country nationals civilian populations in order to further his cause.

All of the above applies to just about every freedom fighter ever known until 1972. Guess which people are being discussed after that date?
and completely unlike the american revolution or the palestinians .... he was defending his home country against invaders from another country. Not taking land from someone with an earlier claim.

do keep up.
Professur said:
and completely unlike the american revolution or the palestinians .... he was defending his home country against invaders from another country. Not taking land from someone with an earlier claim.

do keep up.

Even though the land was taken by conquest by the very group being tossed out on it's ass? Clever, prof...but not quite. You see...the Continental Army didn't start fighting, and killing, the Native Americans until after they kicked out the British try to keep up as well. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
Even though the land was taken by conquest by the very group being tossed out on it's ass? Clever, prof...but not quite. You see...the Continental Army didn't start fighting, and killing, the Native Americans until after they kicked out the British try to keep up as well. ;)

Which makes a fair comparison with the palestinians, but none at all to Wallace (who you brought up).
Professur said:
Which makes a fair comparison with the palestinians, but none at all to Wallace (who you brought up).

It is exactly the same. The Scots were being repressed by the English, so William Wallace fought to drive them out. The way he fought was unorthodox, but it did not purposely endanger the civilian population. George Washington et al fought the same way. The Palestinian terrorists do not. You keep saying that its just a change in tactics, but it isn't. You use tactics on a military unit. What the terrorists are doing is wholesale slaughter of anybody, and everybody, they deem as outside their doctrine.
The American revolutionaries (and freedom fighters anywhere) went after primarily military and gov't targets of the invading nation. Terrorists have, as part of their code and standard tactics, a penchant for going after civilian targets, things like Jordanian wedding parties. These are acceptable targets under their philosophy and operating guidelines.

And I'm very, very tired of weak minds trying to draw a non-existant correlation between the two to poke at people.
Gato_Solo said:
It is exactly the same. The Scots were being repressed by the English, so William Wallace fought to drive them out. The way he fought was unorthodox, but it did not purposely endanger the civilian population. George Washington et al fought the same way. The Palestinian terrorists do not. You keep saying that its just a change in tactics, but it isn't. You use tactics on a military unit. What the terrorists are doing is wholesale slaughter of anybody, and everybody, they deem as outside their doctrine.


I worry that someone in the military has such a weak grasp of military history. I would remind you of several details. I could mention that Wallace was fighting on his home turf against an invading force. The land the americans were fighting for was sovereign british land. Claimed by those revolutionaries forefathers for the very crown they were rebelling from, not for themselves. But I'm not gonna bother.

But I will mention this. American revolutionaries were more than quick enough to put civilian royalist to death. WWII bombers took out civilians right left and centre. Mustard gas in WWI didn't care who it took out.

And where the palistinians (or pretty much any arab community) is concerned ... don't make the mistake of thinking that nationality binds them the way it does europeans. They're tribal. Remember Hani? No matter what country they moved to, they were still palestinians. Being born in a country doesn't make you a citizen. Palestinians born in Kuwait aren't citizens. And those tribes are still at war with one another, and killing each other amounts to as much as killing your neighbours dog to them. There aren't any civilians in a feud, anymore than a Hatfield would think twice about firing at a 10 year old McCoy.

The more you keep trying to use our morals, values and ethics applied to other peoples .... the worse things are gonna be.
Professur said:
But I will mention this. American revolutionaries were more than quick enough to put civilian royalist to death. WWII bombers took out civilians right left and centre. Mustard gas in WWI didn't care who it took out.

1) Loyalists may have been killed outside military contact in the US revolution (and there were some battles with armed loyalist forces). However, I'm unable to find anything which suggests it was part of the doctrine of US revolutionaries to kill loyalist civilians. That certainly IS part of al qeuda doctrine.

2) Yeah, bombs and gas do kill indiscriminately. It's called collateral damage, and again is NOT an intended act nor part of a battle plan.

Stop trying to put the American revolutionary on a plane with the terrorist. It doesn't work, and you;re making yourself look remarkably dim.
HomeLAN said:
1) Loyalists may have been killed outside military contact in the US revolution (and there were some battles with armed loyalist forces). However, I'm unable to find anything which suggests it was part of the doctrine of US revolutionaries to kill loyalist civilians. That certainly IS part of al qeuda doctrine.

2) Yeah, bombs and gas do kill indiscriminately. It's called collateral damage, and again is NOT an intended act nor part of a battle plan.

Stop trying to put the American revolutionary on a plane with the terrorist. It doesn't work, and you;re making yourself look remarkably dim.

Only to the americans. Sadly, you seem to have missed a large chunk of what I posted about the viewpoint of other peoples.

There are none so blind .... those who will not see logical pints of difference. Morally, tactically, whatever, your attempt fails to hold water.