Pedestrians BEWARE!!!!


Well-Known Member
Right turn on red just became legal in Quebec. Except on the island of Montreal and where (of course) the signs say you can't.

Run, little pedestrian, run.

Its always most dangerous when its a new law. It caused all sorts of problems in Jersey when it first became legal...:D
I know it cuts down on my road rage...unless, of course, the guy in front of me at the red light is too stupid to move up far enough for me to turn while the light's still red. In which case visions of RAMMING him dance through my head. :D
How much to RAM him? ...might be worth it.

And how are they gonna prove you weren't just honking a friendly hello to him? :D
Professur said:
Right turn on red just became legal in Quebec. Except on the island of Montreal and where (of course) the signs say you can't.
Welcome to the 20th century. It's about time you guys catch up to English Canada. ;) So what makes Montreal the exception? :retard4:
it always gets me in europe when i cross on a green pedestrian signal and a vehicle whips round the junction, slaps on the anchors, beeps the horn and gives me a dirty look. :D
In LA or Phoenix, pedestrians know that cars have the right of way on the streets (except in crosswalks)..go to Chicago or NY & it's the opposite. :shrug:
In Ontario a car is likely to stop if it just looks like you're crossing the street. Go to Montreal and they speed up to try and hit you. :retard7:
Professur said:
It's a $130 ticket for honking at the guy in front if he doesn't want to go
You've got to be fucking kidding me. I'd owe 390 from last week alone.
Nope. News reported that despite the cops saying they were giving a 2 week leniency period, 24 tickets were given out today. To people who either turned on red where it was signed as not permitted, or people who ran the sidewalk to go around someone who wouldn't turn on the red (like that was ever a good idea).
I'd have to agree with Prof on this one...I used to be a pedestrian a few years ago, and Montreal is not a safe place to be. The only time you're safe crossing the street is if you take 20-30 other people with you in a mass-jaywalk incident.

It's a good thing that Montreal didn't do it...New York Downtown didn't and I can only imagine what that's be like.