

Well-Known Member
I just got word that a known pedophile Got out of jail and is concealing himeself in the general population. While not local enough for me to break his knees, I'd still like to do him some damage. Anyone have info on groups specializing in exposing creeps like this? I should have all the court documents on him with in the week. I'd like to disperse them over the entire area. I'd like to include Ontario and NY too, since he travels a bit.
Got out of jail as in escaped or released? I might would have issues with ruining (further) someone's life after they had served their time.
He had no issues ruining kids lives. I have no issues ruining the rest of his.

BTW, he was a scout leader. Does that outrage you enough?
c'mon Prof, doncha know that it's okay to be an engager of adult/child sexual relations. Says so in the piece of shit book "Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children From Sex" by this piece of shit New York based author Judith Levine and my whole outraged rant can be found here :mad: :grumpy: :mad: :grumpy:
Originally posted by Professur
He had no issues ruining kids lives. I have no issues ruining the rest of his.

BTW, he was a scout leader. Does that outrage you enough?
No, that doesn't outrage me enough... not enough to appoint myself Super Supreme Court Man passing out sentences as I see fit. That's what laws and the judicial system are for. Write your Congressmen if you have issues with the length of terms served for that offense.
Well, I could point out that we don't have congressmen. Or a congress for that matter, but I won't.

And while he may have served a court appointed sentence (actually a third of it) he'd still a danger to society. And I intend to do something about him. If you don't approve .. fine. Move aside and let someone who cares post.
Sorry, I didn't realise you were Canadian... wasn't in your profile, and I didn't know you that well from HWC.

Yeah, writing our Congressmen would probably do little good. ;)

I think in the US there are laws of libel, slander, and harassment that would protect (to some degree) someone from that kind of treatment (and certainly broken knees).

Perhaps he should have been put to sleep instead?
there is a group here in TO working hard on a couple of guys lately, I'll have to research tomorrow - don't know the guy's names or the group. will let you know.
I've seen what shit like this does to kids ... I've had to live with adults abused as children... It fucks them up totally.

The justice system isn't geared to protecting society in cases like this... this person is permanently sick... and there needs to be some way of isolating him or her from society other than jail.
Originally posted by krusty
I've seen what shit like this does to kids ... I've had to live with adults abused as children... It fucks them up totally.

The justice system isn't geared to protecting society in cases like this... this person is permanently sick... and there needs to be some way of isolating him or her from society other than jail.

I agree that in cases where a person actually is permently screwed up, something else should be done.

My only problem is that it is possible, even if rare, for someone to change. How do you know he is permanently sick?
Thanks Les. I know this a-hole (in case your wondering why I'm taking if personally) and I've heard that he's already violated probation. But I can't find any witnesses ... yet.
OLI, under every circumstance, besides rape & pedophilia, I'd be backing the law & order/constitutional side. Those are unforgivable crimes--pedopholia is 100 times worse than rape even

where was the justice for the child(ren)
Originally posted by outside looking in

My only problem is that it is possible, even if rare, for someone to change. How do you know he is permanently sick?

A good point. That's why I'm looking to inform people, instead of warming up the truck and going visiting. If he's cured, then it's not restriction on him. If he's not ... it limits his chances, doesn't it.
Originally posted by outside looking in
I agree that in cases where a person actually is permently screwed up, something else should be done.

My only problem is that it is possible, even if rare, for someone to change. How do you know he is permanently sick?

I don't think we medically understand this type of sickness.

If it could be treated properly I'd say ok, give 'em a chance ...but shit I haven't seen any evidence that we're even trying.

The answer may be found in the human genome sometime... who knows?