People suck...and not in a good way.


New Member
Grrrr....I get a ASQ(ask seller a question) message on ebay on wednesday from a local woman who wants to buy some football pants from me for her boy. She says she needs them by monday and could her husband pick them up on his lunch break. Not wanting to have strangers coming to the house but wanting to help her out and make a sale, I say yes but at my local Kroger. I figured that I should pick the place because they were not going to have to pay for shipping and I didn't want to waste gas.
I talk to said hubby on the horn and I quickly gather that he ain't from around here and was of less than stellar intelligence. He kept talking about "where is this publix?" and I was all "Kroger" but he kept up with the Publix bit. I pass him off to Rob for directions as I am not the bestest at Atlanta area directions myself.
We finally give up and agree to meet at a Publix several more miles from us than I would have preferred. The meeting was today at 1pm....which he did not show for. I can't get a hold of him or his wife, either.
WTF? I am doing a favor for them and they don't have the decency to show? Or call? I only standed to make $8 out of this so it's not like I was in it for the money.
I don't think I will do pick up's anymore. Jerks....
He had both my cell number and Rob's cell number. He could have called. In fact, he would have had to to know who we were. He didn't show.
They don't have red cream soda up there?
Tell ya what, if we come back up remind me and I'll bring a case.
Dude called, he forgot.
Did he try to offer to pick it up at your house? If so... sounds a little shady to me.
Spirit said:
Did he try to offer to pick it up at your house? If so... sounds a little shady to me.
Good thought. Remember, there are two kinds of paranoia. Rampant and insufficient. :grinyes:
His wife had asked if they could pick it up and she said at the house, I suppose thinking it would put me out less. They did not push the issue, though, when I said a public place and seemed quite grateful for any local pick up...but whatever, I'm not going to go out of my way a second time for a mere $8.
He spoke with Rob and asked if we still wanted to make the sale. Rob said that I was unamused and highly doubted it.
Smart move meeting them in public.

A few years ago I placed several lots of 15 LPs each on ebay. I got an email from some dude in Seattle wanting to pick from each if they didn't sell. They didn't, so I emailed him. I sold him the ones he wanted and made about $150 profit. Then a guy from a nearby (relatively) town wanted to come look at the rest. Being single at the time, I let him come over. The guy was like 50 and was met at the door by a large longhaired guy. The firearms left in plain view probably didn't hurt any either.

He bought most of the junk LPs, and I took him for every penny I could.

Then Seattle emailed back, wanting the biggest part of what was left over.

End result: Got rid of about 200 LPs, made a boatload of money, and the angels sang.

Had I had kids at the time, the local guy would not have been there though.

If these doorknobs call back, give 'em directions to Champs Sports or somesuch.

*edit: I kaint speel
i started an ebay store the other day, lol, it will probably be at huge waste of money at least for a little bit, especially considering all i have on it s far are two pairs of shoes that probably wont even sell, lol. lots of ideas for other stuff to put up there, though. and ive decided that most of whatever i dont sell will get donated. i just want to get rid of stuff.
but hopefully business will pick up when my mom has me sell some stampin' up! stamp sets for her. some of them are retired and fetch a pretty penny, as they are in high demand.
Professur said:
No, not really

That's nasty!

Well, it's nasty either way but atleast people could blame it on some sort of unhealthy obsession with a famous person if the underwear was claimed to have been worn by them...otherwise it's just buying someone else's dirty underwear with no excuse. ICK