pesky green lizards


New Member
i was discussing these nifty little house invaders last night and apparently they are not as prevailant as i thought....any one recognize these? i know you do, sharky!

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:D I love lizards! We went to petsmart last night and I got to see their lizards. :D Dustin had an anole - usually a fair lizard or 'starter' lizard for kids. *hehe* I want a chameleon with the horns in the worst kind of way. *lol*
i was putting up my christmas greenery on my curio cabinet and disturbed a rather large one....i guess they come in looking for warmth...i had one that lived behind a picture on the wall last fall....everytime you go to remove the buggers you end up killing them or something and i just hate it.
Dunno what that is tonksy, but I want one :D

(In case any of you have some extra cash lying around and want to make my little heart very happy.........I like lizards)
Rose said:
:D I love lizards! We went to petsmart last night and I got to see their lizards. :D Dustin had an anole - usually a fair lizard or 'starter' lizard for kids. *hehe* I want a chameleon with the horns in the worst kind of way. *lol*
haha, reminds me of my 5/6yo. cousin. he saved his allowance for a long time so he could get some $100 gecko or something, within a half hour of getting it home he had pulled the tail off, and they don't grow back :lol:
AlphaTroll said:
Dunno what that is tonksy, but I want one :D

(In case any of you have some extra cash lying around and want to make my little heart very happy.........I like lizards)
i'd mail you one but i'm not sure it make the trip.....;)
You want lizards? Go to Puerto Rico. I was walking down the sidewalk after visiting the old fort in San Jaun and I kept getting passed by 3-4 foot lizards trotting down the sidewalk like people. They were everywhere. Just trotting along....
There are a lot of anoles living on my front porch. If you sit quietly out there, they start appearing out of nowhere, resuming their hunting. They will stalk a bug and pounce on it, gulping it down whole. They also like to pose and flare out this big red bib under their chin. They do that when they are trolling for lizard chicks. :cool:

I've always wondered what one would look like under a black light . . . :lloyd:
Squiggy said:
You want lizards? Go to Puerto Rico. I was walking down the sidewalk after visiting the old fort in San Jaun and I kept getting passed by 3-4 foot lizards trotting down the sidewalk like people. They were everywhere. Just trotting along....

tonks said:
i was putting up my christmas greenery on my curio cabinet and disturbed a rather large one....i guess they come in looking for warmth...i had one that lived behind a picture on the wall last fall....everytime you go to remove the buggers you end up killing them or something and i just hate it.

If they get in the house, they will hunt relentlessly for bugs. I let 'em stay inside for a couple of days before I chase them into a bucket and toss them back out on the porch. :nerd:
so my cats are playing with something in the kitchen....all of them... so i know at one point that whatever is in the kitchen was alive. it was an anole. i tried valiantly to save it's stupid scaly existence by scooping it up in the sleeves of my sweatshirt (which is way too big and the sleeves hang down way past my fingertips) because i am terrified to touch the little bastard. i get to the door and try to shake him off but the darn thing has a mouthful of my shirt and won't let go. so i'm doing the 'eew there is a lizard stuck to my shirt' dance and my neighbor has to come remove it by basically ripping it's head off and tossing it aside....i shoulda just let my cats play with it.