PETA goes too far!!


Well-Known Member we all know that animals aren't exactly treated nicely all the time when they're in slaughterhouses and/or factory farms. Some of the images that I've seen over the years have made me shake with anger. I truly believe that PETAs work has done good things for stopping commercial experimentation on animals (see rabbits with over cleaner sprayed into their eyes etc...).


This time, they've gone too far!!

Their latest foray into the public eye is called "Holocaust on your plate" and is using images drawn from slaughterhouses juxtaposed with images from Nazi concentration camps!



With slogans like “In relation to [animals], all people are Nazis; for [them] it is an eternal Treblinka.” plastered on billboards in a nerby downtown park... their intent is clear.

The slaughter of animals is equal to the slaughter of humans. :alienhuh: :mad: :moon: :anifingr:

Why not? In some peoples' worlds, Bush = Hitler, and that assertion is considered mild.

When the only way to get people's attention is through shock value, shock value is all you get.
HomeLAN said:
Why not? In some peoples' worlds, Bush = Hitler, and that assertion is considered mild.

When the only way to get people's attention is through shock value, shock value is all you get.

One of the pics they're using is a pile of naked human bodies atop a wheelbarrow in conjunction with a pile of dead pigs. Another shows a cow with a number-tag in its ear, alongside a picture of some man's arm with the serial code tattooed on it!

There's shock value and then there's human dignity. Those who equate Hitler and Nazism with anything less that the real deal do a disservice to those who were killed in those concentration camps and those who died trying to free them!
MrBishop said:
There's shock value and then there's human dignity. Those who equate Hitler and Nazism with anything less that the real deal do a disservice to those who were killed in those concentration camps and those who died trying to free them!

Oh, I'm with you there. Why single out PETA, though, when so many people make that comparison without it really being valid? Hell, I've been called a nazi myself.
HomeLAN said:
Oh, I'm with you there. Why single out PETA, though, when so many people make that comparison without it really being valid? Hell, I've been called a nazi myself.

Why...because they're across the street from me and not 1000 ft away from the Raoul Wallenberg memorial.

I've discussed the use of the term "Nazi" quite fervently

Enough with "Nazism" being used willy-nilly

and I still feel that you shouldn't be called a nazi by anyone unless you suddenly become responsible for the slaugher of millions of innocent men, women and children. As far as I're not responsible for the death of even one person, much less using their skin to make lampshades, or their fat to make soaps. You are not a nazi, feminists are not nazis, even racists aren't nazis....and slaughterhouse workers as NOT NAZIS!

In addition..the use of death-camp photos to promote vegetarianism is not humane...what of those who are represented in those photos...what of their families? To have you and yours equated with chickens and pigs!!! :grr:
You're talking about people who by and large place animals above humans. To the frothing-lipped inner circle a pile of dead humans probably registers no greater than a bucket of KFC would register to us.

If they can't get people to talk about their cause, then they try to get people to at least talk about them instead... just to keep them fresh in the minds eye. I would guess that such tree-rattling makes the donations fly in.
unclehobart said:
You're talking about people who by and large place animals above humans. To the frothing-lipped inner circle a pile of dead humans probably registers no greater than a bucket of KFC would register to us.

If they can't get people to talk about their cause, then they try to get people to at least talk about them instead... just to keep them fresh in the minds eye. I would guess that such tree-rattling makes the donations fly in.

OK...lets round up all PETA members and slaughter them...shouldn't bother them one bit so long as 'no animals were harmed in the manufacture of this holocaust' sticker is plainly visible :finger: ----> PETA
*strolls into the kitchen to make a chicken sandwich, to help make it through the posts on this thread*
Ill agree this is too far. and I think they feel animals lives are worth more. I disagree with them. I think the lives are equal. but PETA is different.
Heh. Had a chicken sandwich for dinner and didn't feel the least bit guilty at the time. Didn't realize I was killing millions of jews.
How could you not know?! hell my fire tenders earlier were probably another couple thousand gypsies.
Yes, ya dingbat. I was bein' silly.

*Adds eric to list of people who will be tied down and tickled for shits 'n giggles*

I've got no issues with treating animals ethically...even when they're on deaths' door for our benefit. The main reason for their mistreatment is the almighty dollar.

If you want more chickens for more eggs, you either get a bigger building or you cram them in tighter. Cramming them is cheaper.

If you're selling them for meat afterwards they can't be damaged. You can either give them more room so they don't peck at each other or you can cut their beaks off. Cutting the beaks is cheaper.

If your turnaround is too slow because chickens take time to grow up, you can either learn to wait or you can pump them full of steroids...steroids are faaster and more profiteable.

etc etc...
So now should I change my Jew jokes to chicken jokes?

What's the difference between a chicken and a pizza? The pizza doesn't cluck when you put it in the oven... heh...
And the sad thing was I was sent outta town. I'd planned to go and urinate on him, to let him suffer for his art.
Professur said:
And the sad thing was I was sent outta town. I'd planned to go and urinate on him, to let him suffer for his art.

It wasn't one was a whole group of em'

I was interviewed showing my distaste on AM940...almost got picked for Channel 12 too :D