PETA sucks!

More of the "I don't therefore I'll make sure you can't" mentality that passes for advanced thought in this PC society y'all couldn't wait to construct. While you were busy saying how it really isn't hurting anybody, morons like this took over and are depriving you of your rights more and more every day.

But it's no big deal. Having others, like Dan Rather and Dr. Phil, do our thinking for us saves us time. Right?

[SnP checking bag directions to see if QwikRete needs to be poured at temps above freezing]
SouthernN'Proud said:
[SnP checking bag directions to see if QwikRete needs to be poured at temps above freezing]

*slapping SnP's hand.

Of course it does. You can't pour most concrete in temps less than 40F unless you bought the real expensive kind...and that ain't under the QwikRete brand name. Now help me dig your moat...
When will they try to make lions vegetarians? They sure hunt and kill in a savage way.
"We believe that fishing is barbaric. Of course animals can feel pain. They have sensitivity, if only to avoid predators."

Lookit Mom...I'm a barbarian! :D
MrBishop said:
"We believe that fishing is barbaric. Of course animals can feel pain. They have sensitivity, if only to avoid predators."

Lookit Mom...I'm a barbarian! :D

At least the animals can move. The poor, defenseless, plants are, pardon the pun, rooted to the spot. :lol2:
The Fruits said:
"We believe that fishing is barbaric."

Fine. You have every right to believe that. You have every right not to fish. I have no problem with that. My problem begins when you try to stop me from doing it.

See, I have beliefs too. I happen to believe that, among other things, God created man as well as beast. I believe He gave man dominion over these beasts. Fish included. I believe He instructed man as to what animals were for human consumption, fish being among them. I also happen to believe that WalMart is evil, that Amy Grant is the biggest hypocrite alive, that PETA is a waste of bone marrow, that a segment of this country was illegally and immorally invaded some 145 years ago, and that pizza just ain't pizza if there is no sausage on it.

But those are MY beliefs. As yet, I haven't introduced legislation or propoganda to make my beliefs law.

Key word being yet...