peter piper picked...

Luis G

Staff member
peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

What is the English name for these kind of sentences?
I'd also like to learn more of those (in English of course), when i was a kid I used to love them and I was very good telling them fast.
I could be wrong on this but Ill look it up but i think you have it right Luis. Ill post it in here if I can find it for ya
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

if the phrase you are looking for is tongue-twister, cool, but if you want the literary term, i'm too high to recall.
I had heard, somewhere, that the most difficult tongue twister in the English language is:

"The sixth shiek's sixth sheep's sick"

I can't say it 5 times fast so... :shrug:
How much hay could a hefty hippy haul if a hefty hippo could haul hay? Why, he could haul as much hay as a hefty hippo could if a hefty hippo could haul hay.


Kinda a knockoff of the woodchuck...
tongue-twisters, that's the word i was looking for. :D

Camelyn, that's a tough one, i had a hard time trying to pronounce :headbang:
I am not a fig plucker, nor a fig plucker's son, but I'll keep plucking figs 'til the fig plucking's done. :D