Phantom Messages??


New Member
Anyone have any idea why the main screen is indicating that I have unread messages...........when there are none?? :confused:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
could it be those messages belong to bleach?

Dunno........but I ain't recieved any email notification about 'em......can't find 'em........Just OTC seems to think they are there.
Wey hey! they've disapeard! (after I deleted a few surples pm's)

Ah ha! the phantom would've gotten away with it........if it weren't for those pesky kids ;)
tonks said:
i just figured it out..those were the pm's you were saving in a folder...

Were they? I can't recall ever saving a pm in a folder :confused:

Must done it during one of me drinky nights :lloyd:
Oz said:
Were they? I can't recall ever saving a pm in a folder :confused:

Must done it during one of me drinky nights :lloyd:
oh...tis a good thing you quit drinking...saving pm's willynilly...a true maniac on the booze.....