greenfreak said:
If there's one thing I can say about a13, he makes no excuses for himself. He knows who he is and his opinion and doesn't post for the sake of gaining attention and to feel self-important.
I disagree...thats precisely what he does. Here and in real life...
He may be as you put it, " fucking hot" (that fact is debatable btw) - he's also fucking arrogant...why do you think I was attracted to him in the first place?
All I can say is that at least I don't do it in real life - I have more respect for people than that - thats exactly why I get a buzz out of using this as an outlet to openly voice my personal opinions about things, albeit a little more extreme of an approach that I do in real life. They are still my opinions and I definately know who I am as well...him, well I have to tell you I'm not so sure of that
You say that and you've never even met him? you're talking about A13 there - not The guy in person. How can you be so sure? - you can't.
I'm not fighting at all, its just beyond me why you'd stick up for him just because you think "he's hot" - other than that, from what I can tell his opinions are far more disrespectful and self-important than mine -I don't deny the fact that I enjoy being provocative but its all in good fun
It takes two to make an attention seeker- doesn't it? People here freely give me their attention - I'm so popular I don't need to blink to get dished out it. Thats what I find so amusing about people- if everyone ignored me I probably wouldn't even be here..

and this place would be soo much more boring without all the drama I dish out, you should be thanking me.
At the least I can say for myself that I
don't go around automatically calling everyone who doesn't agree with me retarded and a dumbarse now, do I?
greenfreak said:
Now stop the silly fighting and tell us what he's like in bed.
now now, as much as my reputation precedes me - I'm not exactly one to kiss and tell - besides, I don't think he really deserves the mention