i got my seagate drive this afternoon, now all i got to do is decide the baest way of getting the new drive to look like the old one.

full reinstall is what i dread most, with all them programs :rolleyes:
i've decided to do a full reinstall of the os' onto the new hdd, my current install of win2k is getting a but flaky. losing that admin account really seemed to do it in.

but i'll copy all the data over from the other drive as a slave [assuming it lasts that long, bloody 75gxp]. i've backed all my stuff up, 15cd's on my desk of drive g and another 10 from work
do you know if they're still recalling the 75's? i'm going to dft this one and see if i can rma it, but then i'm not sure if i want another ibm now, even a free one
not sure, but do they even make em anymore, i thought they'd learn their lesson with the class action suit, seems they still think they can fuck around with peoples data making em hardware testers by making new technology and not even testing it throughly. :mad:
ah, the m$ of the hard-drive world. :D

i hope these seagates are as good as everyone says :)
i got a wd 6.4g that's going strong after 3 years [touch wood]. it's been through a fair bit and never even bleated once.
Yes, i got a 8.4GB for about 5 years or so, no problems whatsover, though i have had a few dead WD's, Maxtors,Quantums and seagates, no brand comes close to the GXP death rate i had, 1 HDD of my own personally rma'd 4 times and a bunch of client machines going dead :eek: