Picture Puzzles


molṑn labé
Staff member
Does anybody do them?

I bought my kid a semi-difficult 500 piece puzzle. Lots of sky & lots of tress. Good to keep the brain somewhat busy (better than CHEAT! on G4) Instead of 3 or 4 main styles of cut, there was one. Alternating horozontal & vertical with very little difference between the pieces.

A little more of a PITA than I intended. He got down to 25 or so pieces & they didn't fit anywhere. The rest look correct. I'll never buy a Rose Art/KODAColor puzzle again.

Was this a freak puzzle or has mass production gotten this silly?
I do them. He's prolly got a few mixed up - and because all the pieces fit together and the colours are similar, you can't see where. I've done that before, and once it's taken it apart and started over, all is well.

But yeah. I hate those new oddshaped ones. I like the original kind. Get him some of those.
So them, this was a freak of nature who deserved to die? I was certainly hoping so. I mean, using one standard cut shape is kinda stupid, uless you're a puzzle pro or something.

I used to do them...kinda enjoyed 'em. They can be addictive too.
Does the box maybe have a difficulty level? I can understand having pieces all the same for, like you said, the "puzzle pros" but the box should somewhere state that it's a very high level of difficulty.
Does the box maybe have a difficulty level? I can understand having pieces all the same for, like you said, the "puzzle pros" but the box should somewhere state that it's a very high level of difficulty.

I didn't see one.
My uncle used to always steal a piece and hide it... then when everyone else would get the puzzle down to that last piece, he would swoop in and get to be the one that completes it.
My son's gotten big into puzzles...at age 4-(and change)...he's now doing 250 piece puzzles. His latest was the map of Canada...about 3X2' when done. :D

My father's BIG into picture puzzles...although I think that I scared him off with some of the high end pro-puzzles that I got him a few years ago.


All the pieces are the same and fit into each other. You have to build the labyrinth making 'gardens' and then run through it. If you can't go from start to finish..you have to dismantle it and reposition the gardens until you can get out. :D

There are more mean ones... Expert level ones that I plan on getting him one day :evil: