Picture Story Of My Recent Passed

Skills he may have but that much faith in others is reckless. I don't mind the way he rides in the least but I see a thousand deathtraps all around him. One mom, slapping jr. in the backseat crosses the line & WHAM!!!! it's lights out for him and eternal guilt for her.

[edit]someday, I'll pass that spelling bee
yeah, he is seriously impressive... but i agree with gonz, i think his faith in others is reckless, also.
one thing i've learned about driving in the few short years i've been doing it is, you can't ever truly anticipate the moves of your fellow motorists.
you can't ever truly anticipate the moves of your fellow motorists.

Really? That's the one thing I am constantly doing every second I'm in a car, bike, truck or bicycle. Again, maybe I'm just lucky.

No one has posted a picture story yet. Nix is the closest one! :)
Nix may be the closet but she has done nothing but think about it...sorry, I'm a procrastinator.
273KPH on a closed bit of highway that is still under construction. Went up and down the roads twice before hitting that speed. Wearing full armour. And, it's easy on a bike. From a standing start, I can hit that speed in less then 20 seconds and slow down right after. The road was 7 kilometers long though.

On Autobahn, Germany, I was lucky enough to hit 337KPH which I'm very proud of. :)

Thank you for your safety tips but I never ride beyond what I think is safe and my riding skill. :)


I wonder if he'll say the same thing to the police....
one thing i've learned about driving in the few short years i've been doing it is, you can't ever truly anticipate the moves of your fellow motorists.

Really? That's the one thing I am constantly doing every second I'm in a car, bike, truck or bicycle.

Heh, that's the true measure of being a great driver. The most valuable skill.
One of the things I tried to impart to the youngin'
Sadly I've gotten to the point wear I know what dumb thing the other driver is going to do
before they even do it! The song remains the same.
Sadly I've gotten to the point wear I know what dumb thing the other driver is going to do
before they even do it! The song remains the same.


Gotta stay a step ahead-especially when you ride or make your living at it.
Sadly I've gotten to the point wear I know what dumb thing the other driver is going to do before they even do it! The song remains the same.

Yeah, I found out a long time ago that the only way to survive on a motorcycle in todays traffic is to assume that everyone else on the road is a complete flamming idiot and ride accordingly... :lol:
Haven't peeked in this thread before. That's an awesome kid ya got there.

As far as a picture story is concerned, there's not much to tell. But if I think of anything, I might post it.