Pictures of home

You think so? That is the one advantage of this place. I'm only two blocks away from the train and 24-hour food shopping. There are also lots of good ethnic restaurants right around here. But I long for green real estate. My place upstate cost $500 a month, was around the same size, and was right next to a lake. Of course, you couldn't find a decent job up there to save your life...

Edited for major typo.
tank girl said:
well well...thats my home too :wink2:

God dang it's a small world we live in, and lucky for you I was almost going to shift to Welliington before i found my current Job. But then Hawkes Bay rocks!!!! more so in earthquakes....
hmmm. Maybe its just the fact that we just live in a small country. But then, its still a bit of a coincidence. huh.

anyhow yeah, the bay is good for sun and bringing up kids and peacefulness, clean air and birds that sing and good old small town folks that make you realise just how fortunate you are to be at university learning stuff..heh :shrug: not to mention exposed to the ecclectic diversity of the life forms inhabiting Wellington City (hooray for cuba st) but since I don't plan on having kids and the heat is just getting too damn hot, especially when the air you breath is as thick and stuffy as it was today and the dry, hot wind is blowing crazy, and nothing is happening and theres no work except fruit thinning and you have to live with your parents...

bah, what am I complaining about, at least we're not in Sydney. :D
Leslie said:
we have this thing :blank:


That is so KEWL Les......
I don't really have any pics handy of where I live now. They're big down here on Tennessee walking horses and baptist churches (can't hardly swing a cat 'thout hittin' a baptist). Like most towns in the south we have a town square (it's quite nice compared to some) and a "war of yankee aggression" battlefield where you can hear all about all the local boys who died defending their homes (evidently some of them yankees died too). I'll try to scare up some pics later.
chcr said:
I'll try to scare up some pics later.

Please do. I'm curious.

Town squares were things I had only heard of until I moved to middle Tennessee for awhile. Every town had one there; here in the correct end of the state, they're pretty rare. Of course, what we lack in town squares, we make up for in basements on houses...can't have basements in southern middle TN, too close to the water table and too flat. A heavy dew, and MTSU (me alma mater) floods.
chcr said:
I don't really have any pics handy of where I live now. They're big down here on Tennessee walking horses and baptist churches (can't hardly swing a cat 'thout hittin' a baptist). Like most towns in the south we have a town square (it's quite nice compared to some) and a "war of yankee aggression" battlefield where you can hear all about all the local boys who died defending their homes (evidently some of them yankees died too). I'll try to scare up some pics later.
Just put up a pic of the NISSAN plant.
staffrodore said:
God dang it's a small world we live in, and lucky for you I was almost going to shift to Welliington before i found my current Job. But then Hawkes Bay rocks!!!! more so in earthquakes....
i lived in wellington for 6 months when i was 7. my mom is a kiwi and we went home to stay with family after her father died.
now I re-read the question, I was actually brought up in a smaller town up the coast called Gisborne so basically, this is where I am from originally, although I don't really identify with the place anymore.

(we moved to Hawkes Bay when I was 15...)

pictures :)

now, the thing about that place was the beautiful beaches...
Gato_Solo said:
Are you sure that's in New Zealand? I don't see no sheep...:disgust2: :D

One especially for you gato.

Oh and tank girl, the last time I stayed up Gisbourne we set fire to one of those beaches... dont think the welcoming committee would be there with open arms if I ever went back!
Wow so many Kiwi connections here....
unclehobart said:
You live where they make Nukie Brown, no?

Very near... there was also another local brewery... now closed (God rest its soul) Vaux... home of Double Maxim and Waggledance (a honey beer)

In fact if I'd known it was the beer production of the area that interested folks... I'd have just posted pics of the pubs and the micro breweries...

There are tens of them up here.. breweries that is... thousands of pubs! :p
Brewery pics will be just dandy. We have so few here. The laws where I live make it tough for a brewery to keep its head above water. I think were down to three for a city of 4 million.
unclehobart said:
Brewery pics will be just dandy. We have so few here. The laws where I live make it tough for a brewery to keep its head above water. I think were down to three for a city of 4 million.

Well I don't have the pics but I got the websites... two for now... more to follow

These are small independent micro-breweries producing rather lovely ales which feature as "guests" in real ale bars.
abooja said:
You think so? That is the one advantage of this place. I'm only two blocks away from the train and 24-hour food shopping. There are also lots of good ethnic restaurants right around here. But I long for green real estate. My place upstate cost $500 a month, was around the same size, and was right next to a lake. Of course, you couldn't find a decent job up there to save your life...

Edited for major typo.
abooja, you in Jamaica? My cousin married into a Greek family and they have had a house in Jamaica all their lives. The mother in law doesn't speak english, after all these years. She never had to in that neighborhood but it's not so Greek anymore where they are.

I'm on Long Island.