Pimping to the majority?


Staff member
Of course they do, as a life code, but they have nothing to do with the law. I had them framed on the wall, for the benefit of the family, till it fell off and broke. Cause I believe they make sense, not cause I believe anyone important wrote them.

I'm not quibbling that though. It's his actually sponsoring a bill and not even being able to speak on it, when the subject is SO simple and straightforward.
Leslie said:
Of course they do, as a life code, but they have nothing to do with the law. I had them framed on the wall, for the benefit of the family, till it fell off and broke. Cause I believe they make sense, not cause I believe anyone important wrote them.

I'm not quibbling that though. It's his actually sponsoring a bill and not even being able to speak on it, when the subject is SO simple and straightforward.

Now that's priceless. :lol: :rofl4: :lol:
Leslie said:
Of course they do, as a life code, but they have nothing to do with the law. I had them framed on the wall, for the benefit of the family, till it fell off and broke. Cause I believe they make sense, not cause I believe anyone important wrote them.

I'm not quibbling that though. It's his actually sponsoring a bill and not even being able to speak on it, when the subject is SO simple and straightforward.

They are the basis of numerous laws.

Why on earth does a Canadian give a rat's ass what hangs in an American courthouse?

What harm does having it there cause to anyone?
What does it really have to do with where what was being hung? Or my citizenship? I said in my first post NEVER MIND THAT as an aside, cause I think it'd be more appropriate in City Halls if anywhere.

But my point in creating the thread was politicians in general (WE HAVE THOSE HERE TOO!!! OMG!!), jumping on shit they don't mean or care about and know nothing about, and proclaiming it to the masses as the 'right thing'. Like this dude did. Like most of the others do. And we keep falling for it OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

This incident just happened to have a good visual to go with it.

I shoulda known better.
Those who fall for campaign promises, election bullshit, political doublespeak, whatever are gullible and in my opinion shouldn't be allowed to vote. I'd love to see the day come when you had to say WHY you were voting for your choice before being allowed to vote. "He looked cool playing a saxophone on Arsenio" would result in immediate execution.
Stephen Colbert interviewed a congressman from Georgia last night, Lynn Westmoreland on "better know a district". He sponsored a bill that would require placing the Ten Commandments in certain government buildings...


LM: Where's a better place you could have such a thing [Ten Commandments] than a judicial building or in a court house?

SC: That is a good question. Can you think of any better building to put the Ten Commandments than in a public building?

LM: No. [pause] I think if we were totally without them we may lose a sense of our direction.

SC: What are the Ten Commandments?

LM: What are all of them?

SC: [nods yes] Mmm hmm.

LM: You want me to name them all?

SC: Yeah, please.

LM: Mmmm....

SC: [holds up fists, ready to start counting]

LM: Don't murder. Don't lie. Don't steal. uhh...I can't name them all.

*EDIT* you know, mabe i should read the whole tread before i re-post the ORIGINAL POSTERS POST. What a dumbass :) (me)
SouthernN'Proud said:
Those who fall for campaign promises, election bullshit, political doublespeak, whatever are gullible and in my opinion shouldn't be allowed to vote. I'd love to see the day come when you had to say WHY you were voting for your choice before being allowed to vote. "He looked cool playing a saxophone on Arsenio" would result in immediate execution.
As I've said before, the system is broken. It needs fixing.
my recommendation

find the sign and hang them back up


regardless of the fact that I'm an atheist
I've lived by them roolz and always will
cuz failure to do so will make your life a
'Hell on earth'.

like I told my Kid:

ya gotta know the roolz
even if you don't live by 'em
so when things go to shiite
you'll know why

It is the 'if it feels good doit' crowd
that doesn't want Gawds werds on the halls of Justice

anything them damn Hippies wants is gotta be a bad thang

yep Les find the sign

it's a sign heh heh
Stephen strokeoff was out of line by conducting the interview the way he did, on the other hand who is the fool? The congressmen who is sponsering a bill about the 10 commandments and could not remember them or the interviewer who thinks he is a comedian...
I'm not a religious man... but I was able to call off 9 of the commandments. I guess all of those Charlton Heston movies as a kid really paid off.
highwayman said:
Stephen strokeoff was out of line by conducting the interview the way he did, on the other hand who is the fool? The congressmen who is sponsering a bill about the 10 commandments and could not remember them or the interviewer who thinks he is a comedian...
The congressmen who is sponsoring a bill about the 10 commandments and could not remember them and his cronies around the world who are affecting each and every one of us with their out-of-ass-talking, along with those voting for them are a PROBLEM.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Talk about avoidance...
I don't think I'm allowed to speak on it because of my citizenship. Sorry. :(

But I will say that in courthouses it seems kinda silly and 'offtopic', since only 3 (or 4 depending on where you are) actually have anything to do with the law. City Hall or the Legislatures, maybe?
highwayman said:
Stephen strokeoff was out of line by conducting the interview the way he did, on the other hand who is the fool? The congressmen who is sponsering a bill about the 10 commandments and could not remember them or the interviewer who thinks he is a comedian...

Stephen was 'in character'. It's a bit. Have you seen the other "know a district" segements? They are all like that. He IS a comedian, the Colbert Report part of the fake news lineup.
Leslie said:
since only 3 (or 4 depending on where you are) actually have anything to do with the law.

more like half
SIX: 'You shall not murder.'

SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'

EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'

NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'

TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'
Gonz said:
more like half

Covet . To feel blameworthy desire for (that which is another's). See Synonyms at envy.
2. To wish for longingly. See Synonyms at desire.
To feel immoderate desire for that which is another's.
is not illegal or even law worhty