Pirating is BAD mm'kay


100% Pure Canadian Beef
CNET’s Declan McCullough has the scoop on a new bill backed by the Bush Administration and about to be introduced by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) that will greatly expand the digital copyright restrictions in the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act). Moreover, the draft legislation, the Intellectual Property Protection Act of 2006, will also expand federal police wiretapping and enforcement powers.

McCullough says the bill goes to great lengths to expand the punishable acts of copyright infringement. For example, attempted copyright infringement would become a federal crime punishable by up to ten years in prison.

Even worse, the bill would expand section 1201 of the DMCA that bars trafficking in or distributing software capable of bypassing DRM systems to make it a crime to “make, import, export, obtain control of, or possess” such software. The legislation would also permit wiretaps in cases involving copyright infringement, boost the jail time for copyright infringement, create a new unit in the FBI for investigating copyright crimes and, most problematic of all, permit copyright holders to impound “records documenting the manufacture, sale or receipt of items involved in” infringements.

so 10 years for downloadig a copyrighted movie

downloading childporn is only 7 years

where is that end of the world thread, I think it's about time now
Child molestation - 3 years
Drunk Driving - fine
Drunk Driving causing injury - fine and 9 months
DD causing death - fine plus 3 years

DLing an often shitty movie, so that you can avoid paying $15 to watch said shitty movie in the theater... 10 years!

*MrBishop lines up behind Paulee in this thread.
call your senators people.

Get these sentences lowered or, even better, the sentences for worse crimes uppered. This is ridiculous.
Leslie said:
even better, the sentences for worse crimes uppered. This is ridiculous.

That I'll line up behind. But I'm not against stiff penalties. Unlike Bish, I know that theft is still theft. The casual disregard for that fact should be a major issue for everyone.

And .... if it's such a shitty movie ...... why are you stealing it? There's a video store across the road that rents movies for a buck a night. It's not even worth copying it at that price.
Basic copyright law, people. You create a work, copyright it, and that gives you the exclusive right to make money off it for a set period of time. Violating that right is a crime. It is punishable. We all fast forward past the notice on rented movies. Stop and read it sometime.

Just because someone wants to watch it for free does not dimish the right of the copyright holder to be protected.

Without copyright protection, a major impetus to create quality films, music, books...whatever, is gone. Don't like copyright laws? Tough shit. Write a book, I bet your opinion will change. Wanna watch a movie, listen to a song? Pay for it like everyone else. The world is not for your personal convenience.

Should penalties be stiffer for other crimes? Sure. But they're not. Besides, if the sting operations to catch online child predators are unconstitutional because there was no 14 year old kid involved, then watching kiddie porn should by that logic be lagal because the crime of raping the kid on the tape already occurred...yer just watching it.
SouthernN'Proud said:
...yer just watching it.
And failing to report evidence of a crime. Two actually, the rape AND the distribution of said tape. :D

Never said that copying a movie should be legal.. most are just bothered by the sentence...especially in comparison to other, more heinous crimes.
SouthernN'Proud said:
We all fast forward past the notice on rented movies.

SOME of us have moved into the 21st Century and watch DVDs now... and DVDs always lock out the skip and fast forward button during the FBI warning.
Leslie said:
call your senators people.

Get these sentences lowered or, even better, the sentences for worse crimes uppered. This is ridiculous.

Call your state representatives. These are state matters.
Inkara1 said:
SOME of us have moved into the 21st Century and watch DVDs now... and DVDs always lock out the skip and fast forward button during the FBI warning.

Some will not block the menu buttons ;)