spike said:What's real funny is how you decline to answer how many Iraqis you've polled, how many Arabic dialects you speak, or even what your supposed job is.
spike said:Too bad you can't find any actual evidence to back up your point.
Monday 25 September 2006, 20:17 Makka Time, 17:17 GMT
Talabani backs long-term US presence
"I think we will be in need of American forces for a long time - even two military bases to prevent foreign interference," Talabani told The Washington Post in an interview published on Monday.
"I don't ask to have 100,000 American soldiers - 10,000 soldiers and two air bases would be enough."
The president indicated that the bases would be most welcome in Kurdistan, an autonomous region in northern Iraq that has practised de facto self-government since the 1991 Gulf War.
But he suggested that the Sunni Arab segment of the Iraqi population would also welcome a long-term US military presence in Iraq.
"In some places Sunnis want the Americans to stay," he argued. "Sunnis think the main danger is coming from Iran now."
No, what's really sad is that you have no grasp of the reality that you should be thanking this man for his service to and defense of our country.
Hmmmmmmm. What's that you say? And it's even from your favorite terrorist-media outlet:
He should know, shouldn't he? He should know whether or not he needs US forces to maintain a presence in his country?
the puppet
You seem unable to grasp the idea it has nothing to do with whether he is correct or not don't you?
My favorite media outlet? Can you show one thing I've quoted from there?
The subject was what the Iraqi people want not what the puppet wants.
I was observing that you have no respect for our Military.
I have respect for the military. I'm doing a project for the Navy next month. I have no feelings about aljazeera and you seem to be grasping for that one.
I daresay Iraqis probably know a lot more about Iran than you do.
The stakes of Iraq are enormous, world-shifting even. This is why our country should be a point of concern for every democratic country of the world. I can assure you that the immediate departure of coalition forces would only unleash tensions between different communities, the prospect of a safe Iraq wou ld be completely lost, and the previous descriptions of a civil war would seem insufficient and tame compared to the bloodshed of an Iraq that loses its international support.http://www.defendamerica.mil/articles/sept2006/a092206pc1.html
Saying we want us out, that the loss of life is too great and we we should cut and run from Iraq undermines our troops, and weakens our resolve to win. Meanwhile alJiz gives press to AQ who says that we Americans do not have the heart for the battle: they use your words and meanings; your negativity emboldens our enemies. Maybe alJiz has some kind of polling data you can use.
our own intelligence agencies report that the Iraq war has increased terrorism and made us less safe
I have respect for the military. I'm doing a project for the Navy next month.
Iran is funneling weapons and cash to buy the loyalty of armed groups in Iraq.....the policy of arming Iraqi militia is supported at high levels in Iran and not the work of rogue Iranian operatives.
You ever think maybe the project is classified?
I work for the navy and I know I'm certainly not at liberty to discuss the work I do.
chcr said:I'm lost. What you say there supports Spike's assertion that we're fighting local Iraqis, it doesn't contradict it.
We are fighting local Iraqis bankrolled by their Iranian sugar daddy.
They're residents of Iraq but they're Iran's pawns.
I still don't understand why you were arguing with spike over something you substantially agreed about?????
spike said:The people being fought in Iraq for the most part are locals who want us out. Not really enemies or a threat to the US.