Pitfalls of winter


Staff member
Snow and ice are, in fact, slippery.

Zach (11) was trying to surf down a slide on his feet today. In a blizzard. He failed. He did a faceplant and broke the bottom of his one front tooth clean off.

I managed to find after a bit of a panic (I found out I'm not good at emergencies anymore. I lost it...but after a minute I got it together again), a new dentist who does emergencies, (and is within walking distance!!) so that's a bonus...as we hadn't found a regular one here in Barrie as yet.

He did really well, had his first freezing needle and braved his way through it. The mini-dremel freaked him out a bit but he stayed stoic.

Tooth Fairy is coming tonight, I think that'll be worth a good five bucks.

Evening at the dentist, sanding and clear coat - $141.00
Next week at the dentist, clear coat and new veneer - $231.00
Every month for the next 6 months getting X-Rays, $21.00

all for attempted surfing on wet frozen metal.

Kids will be kids.

My daughter had to have a giant staple in the back of her head. I wasn't there for the accident (she was with her step-mom) which involved an high school aged aunt, tickling and a class coffee table (this is all I know) but I still freaked out at the site of metal in my daughters skull.

I hope your little trooper gets to feeling better, and myabe he'll think twice about surfing in the winter time. ;)
i'm always amazed at how stoic kids can be when they are injured. seen kids with forarms that had all sorts of odd angles or hugh lacerations. the majority just deal with it. a small number do loose it, but that doesnt happen often.
cant say the same for a lot of adults.
Next time tell him to lick it first,if it cold enough for his tongue to stick , you won't have to worry aboot him slipping/surfing.
I remember doing things like that as a young pup. still have the scars to remind me.
probably not...our medicaid barely does...although it does cover kids...poor baby, les. i hate the dentist myself.
A.B.Normal said:
Next time tell him to lick it first,if it cold enough for his tongue to stick , you won't have to worry aboot him slipping/surfing.

Umm... That would be evil. :lol2:
unclehobart said:
sorry, I'm still half asleep :gmorning:

Nope, not at all. Dental and such is private. I have insurance on them, but it's a pay out and wait till they get around to sending it back thing.
yep, kids can try some wild stuff.
When I was 8 I decided to be like Evil Knievel, and jump my bike off this wall
that must have been about 6 feet high. The bike took a nose-dive, and my
mouth hit the handle-bars busting out all my anterior upper teeth.
They had to wire them back in. I wore braces, I think, 3 months then.
Later in life those teeth just never were as strong, and rotted out in my
mid 20's. I've got 2 left, and they won't make it much longer.
unclehobart said:
Canadian health not cover teeth?

It all depends on the health plan. My health plan covers 90% of basic dental needs and 50% of major repairs. My dentist has me pay the balance and claims it directly with the insurance company. So for a filling or something, I just pay the 10%.
Uki Chick said:
It all depends on the health plan. My health plan covers 90% of basic dental needs and 50% of major repairs. My dentist has me pay the balance and claims it directly with the insurance company. So for a filling or something, I just pay the 10%.
Same here :D
A.B.Normal said:
Same here :D
Mine varies from 100% for most things to 80%, and then to 50% for things like dentures and orthodontics etc.

on 141 paid out I'm getting 116 back. Not bad.

Be nice if it was covered by provincial health tho. Sure go there more often than the doctor.
ouch. but like Lissa said kids will be kids. I wonder if he learned the lesson or if hell do it again