Pitfalls of winter

Professur said:
Count yourself lucky that he didn't drive it all the way through his lip.
that would've been stitchable. This broken tooth blows goats. I'm really lucky he didn't miss his mouth and land on the bridge of his nose or worse.
My bro knocked his tooth out one time...root and all...they took him to the hospital...my mom didn't even know it was out til they got there she just though major bad cutting and prolly some damage to the tooth...we were up north anyway so our dentist was far far away...anyway, they sent her to some dental hospital who sent her to sick kids...long story short...other than the check up visit and the fase tooth on a plate that had to follow OHIP covered it all cause he was seen in a hospital. My dad's insurance covered the rest (they cover the initial false tooth/teeth due to accident but not any replacements needed)...but even without insurance most woudl have been covered...there is always a way around ;)
catocom said:
I wish I could afford implants. I can't stand to wear a partial. :retard:

My brother's suppose to get an implant when he's finished growing...Iof course that plan was made years ago...many things have changed since then.
Professur said:
That's what I used to say. And then my entire gumline disintegrated.
I'm holding out hope for strong genetics to dodge that bullet. My parents are 60 and still have all originals.
Professur said:
That's what I used to say. And then my entire gumline disintegrated.
My dentist told me that's what happens to those of us blessed with perfect teeth. Yay. Can't wait.
Leslie said:
Snow and ice are, in fact, slippery.

Zach (11) was trying to surf down a slide on his feet today. In a blizzard. He failed. He did a faceplant and broke the bottom of his one front tooth clean off.

I managed to find after a bit of a panic (I found out I'm not good at emergencies anymore. I lost it...but after a minute I got it together again), a new dentist who does emergencies, (and is within walking distance!!) so that's a bonus...as we hadn't found a regular one here in Barrie as yet.

He did really well, had his first freezing needle and braved his way through it. The mini-dremel freaked him out a bit but he stayed stoic.

Tooth Fairy is coming tonight, I think that'll be worth a good five bucks.

Evening at the dentist, sanding and clear coat - $141.00
Next week at the dentist, clear coat and new veneer - $231.00
Every month for the next 6 months getting X-Rays, $21.00

all for attempted surfing on wet frozen metal.


He reminds me of... well me :D

My four front top teeth were rebuilt when I was 12-13ish. They did it using the same material as they use to make fillings and polished it up nice, you can't even really tell that they aren't real except for the fact that they break easy. It was all covered under my dads dental plan.
K62 said:
He reminds me of... well me :D

My four front top teeth were rebuilt when I was 12-13ish. They did it using the same material as they use to make fillings and polished it up nice, you can't even really tell that they aren't real except for the fact that they break easy. It was all covered under my dads dental plan.
that's what they're going to do for him.

soooo how easy? what am I in for?
Actually, it wasn't bad at all. It only took about 40 min to have it done.
What they did was file down what was left of my real teeth, an build them up with the white filling material and then buff them up.

They actually came out looking good, they are always nice and white... but I warn you, keep your kid away from black lights, all the real teeth show up really light while the fake ones are dark dark dark. :D

They do seem to chip a lot easier than real teeth, or maybe I just tend to get hit in the teeth with random objects more often than normal.The process of getting the chips and breaks filled in only takes about 15-20 min so it isn't too bad.

/me looks for a picture where he is actually smiling...

Ah this is close enough, you can kind of see...

I'm happy with them considering my teeth cost me nothing.

I'm on the left.

OHNO about the lights. He's gonna have a helluva time at the bar. :lol2:

I was worried about how long they'd last, maintenance, etc. I think it'll be better than a cap though. Good to know.
The dentist told me that I should get "crowns" or caps when I get older and don't play sports where I tend to get hit in the teeth very often.
That's kinda what this guy alluded to, that they'd fall off every few months and this was the most conservative option.
I don't feel sorry for the kid anymore. He walks in the room tonight, does an Elvis sneer, and goes, Look at me! I play hockey! and then proceeds to rofl. He's over it and proud of it now :lloyd: