Pity Party


molṑn labé
Staff member
Let's all give this guy a big, heartfelt AAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Thursday, October 27, 2005

New York University has found itself in a slippery situation — facing a $1 million lawsuit over Jell-O wrestling.

Student Avram Wisnia says he broke his hip when he got shoved into a kiddie pool filled with the red goo at his dorm's May 1, 2004, "Beach Bash," according to The New York Post.

The shallow kiddie pool was sitting on a concrete courtyard with just a small athletic mat cushioning it from underneath, Wisnia's lawyer said.

"This really was an accident waiting to happen," the lawyer, Joel Kaplan, told The Post. "It's high jinks for high minds, I guess ... Everybody loves red Jell-O."

NYU not only OK'd the goofy gelatin smackdown — food services even provided garbage pails filled with Jell-O for the event, the lawsuit claims.

The University "failed to prevent the Jell-O wrestling event" and "disregarded its duty to maintain its premises in a safe condition and carelessly created an unsafe condition," the Pennsylvania native's suit claims.

NYU officials told The Post they had not yet seen the lawsuit.
We need the pity party for fools who threaten violence when they lose an arguement on a message board. :retard2:
The shallow kiddie pool was sitting on a concrete courtyard with just a small athletic mat cushioning it from underneath

I can see where they'd get upset. You could seriously bruise a breast falling down with only a string bikini and a judo-mat to protect you.
Think of the chaotic linup of all the men (and women, let's not get heterocentric) wanting to kiss the booboo and make it all better ;)