planting season is nigh


New Member
I took some photos of some of the plants we have here at the same time I was doing house shots... so I figured I had enough material to make a splitoff thread. :D
This hill right outside the front door is the major project theis year. Tonks can explain what will happen there better than I.
I have to wait till May two four. :(

I'll just live vicariously through yous till then.
1. Help us ID the mystery palm with the purpleish leaves. Forgive the withered appearance. It has just emerged from 4 months of indoor banishment because of the cold.

2.+ 3. Plants!
the hill...oi.
first we dig up all the old boxwoods. then we move the 2 nandinas that are all alone to the left. then we plant!
running up the side of the hill will be some periwinkle ground cover which will lead into some purple liatris. at the top of the hill, visible in that shot, will be gladiolus and delphinium, in front of that will be purple triplet lilies. i also have a ton of pink fairy lilies coming so i may add some of those in there.
Leslie said:
I have to wait till May two four. :(

I'll just live vicariously through yous till then.
At least your insanely long days will make things grow 3 times faster to compensate. Time to plant dope and harvest a bumper crop come late august.
unclehobart said:
1. Help us ID the mystery palm with the purpleish leaves. Forgive the withered appearance. It has just emerged from 4 months of indoor banishment because of the cold.

2.+ 3. Plants!
I dunno what that plant is, but it has a bad case of rust. You can get powder stuff for that, just don't let the kids near it. I would pull off the leaves with the most on fast, it's contagious, and don't let it touch any other plants.
We don't really get to plant much here. It doesn't stop snowing until the end of May and sometimes it will start snowing again as early as September. I don't have much of a green thumb either so that doesn't help. Occasionaly I will have a house plant live a short life in my care.
Leslie said:
I dunno what that plant is, but it has a bad case of rust. You can get powder stuff for that, just don't let the kids near it. I would pull off the leaves with the most on fast, it's contagious, and don't let it touch any other plants.
it's not's brown spots from low humidity. i tried to clean it and make sure but nothing came off.
Spot said:
illegal tomatoes??
"crops" are against the homeowners covenance :rolleyes:
[loviehowellvoice]i say, look darling, the neighbors must be struggling. they have to grow their own vegetables![/loviehowellvoice]
Spot said:
illegal tomatoes??
Homeowners covenants.

Apparently having anything resembling a garden or a component thereof will instantly lead to donkeys, moonshiners, and abandoned Camaros on cement blocks causing the property values to plummet. Thats when the heroin addict soup kitchens move in and ... (more of the same)
unclehobart said:
1. Help us ID the mystery palm with the purpleish leaves. Forgive the withered appearance. It has just emerged from 4 months of indoor banishment because of the cold.
I believe that's cordyline terminalis. If you do a google image search, there are pics on the third and fourth rows that look just like it.

That bare spot on the hill may be a problem. The water runoff is might kill whatever you put there. Don't you have juniper on the front slope as ground cover? They're great for controlling water runoff and problem slopes. But boring as hell.
unclehobart said:
Homeowners covenants.

Apparently having anything resembling a garden or a component thereof will instantly lead to donkeys, moonshiners, and abandoned Camaros on cement blocks causing the property values to plummet. Thats when the heroin addict soup kitchens move in and ... (more of the same)
that is just....absurd.
what happens if you get busted growing veggies?
A common clause in the CC&Rs is that the homeowner's association can send people into your property to remove the offending item and bill you for it. I don't know if unc's CC&Rs allow that but I'd be surprised if not.
greenfreak said:
I believe that's cordyline terminalis. If you do a google image search, there are pics on the third and fourth rows that look just like it.

That bare spot on the hill may be a problem. The water runoff is might kill whatever you put there. Don't you have juniper on the front slope as ground cover? They're great for controlling water runoff and problem slopes. But boring as hell.
it's a little tricky but the bad part of the slope is already covered by juniper. we have juniper everywhere but one bald hill section next to the backstairway where it won't grow (that's where most of the periwinkle will go).
the part that is getting perwinkle on the front hill is where juniper won't grow . the liatris will be where the boxwoods are and the rest on the flat level of the house.
i'm being ambitious planting calla lilies in the front corner and i will have to baby them with water so i'll be out there anyway :shrug:
but we did purchase a good bit more soil to lay down.