Aren’t we being non-PC also with this statement? Isn’t "Hood" a rather offensive term like saying ghetto?markjs said:All I am gonna say is you should go to the hood and go to a bar or someplace where "negros" gather and just use the word negro freely and see how long you live....I can tell you from experience it might not be too long.
I learned all I need to know about this working for minimum wage at a one-location pizza joint. My boss had a hard time making payroll a lot of the time, even at minimum wage. Even though the opening of Fresno State's new $100-million arena across the street helped, unless things pick up more, he might not be able to weather the next minimum wage hike. Keep in mind that for every dollar in salary, you also have to pay a certain amount to the Worker's Comp insurance company. If you give a guy a pay raise, you also pay more into that fund even though his job is no riskier than it was at the lower wage. Also, keep in mind that most jobs that get outsourced overseas pay well above minimum wage; most minimum-wage jobs are service-type jobs that you can't outsource, like stocking shelves at a 99-cent store or churning out pizzas. That means that the minimum wage rate won't affect the rate of manufacturing jobs moving overseas... but for Mr. Small Business Owner, it could be the difference between staying open and folding, or it could result into the dollar store turning into the $1.25 store or the price of your favorite pizza going up $1 or $2. That extra quarter here and dollar there seems small by itself, but it really adds up and the increased wages don't go as far as lawmakers would like. It's not something you can just fix with an unfunded mandate.Thulsa Doom said:Oh wait do the rich need to worry about minimum wage? Only the business owners who don’t want to shell out $6.50 an hour or whatever when they can stick it to ya at $5.15 and STILL move off shore to build the profits even more. And in the end the minimum wage dude is stuck paying taxes on purchase items at a crippling rate while his boss pays him squat thanks to republicans insistence that we not raise the minimum wage AND no taxes thanks to locating their company name to Bermuda. Sounds like your secret is screw over the powerless and let me eat my cake too. Nice secret.
PowerballWinner said:If parts of the Republican Party is racist, I'll tell you why African-Americans don't mind joining that party - they don't care. Many of them I've met don't care how racist problems get, they just accept problems as they come like mindless sheep. The party claims to be of morality and there are African-American Christians who follow the Bible and its morality and so they join the party like sheep.
No. Do you have some examples?ResearchMonkey said:Have you seen the fear-mongering billboards in the south?
Same here in TN, HomeLAN.HomeLAN said:The only politicians who regularly bring up race at all down here are black. It's usually used as a last-ditch defense when they're accused of corruption.