Playing with my scanner...




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OK so now we have ris' Scandinavian pics, my Malay and Switzerland... Who is next with what? :D
Haven't been there in a while :) But I lived there for 3 years. Lived in Kuala Lumpur, and visited Kota Baru, Penang, Georgetown, Lankawi, and Jahor Baru, and of course Singapore and Thailand (Phuket and Bangkok mainly).
Dad is military...

Want to come with me if I go again? Water is a warm 28 degrees Celcius, air is around 35 with fairly high humidity, and the sun is very intense. No waves because of the number of islands, and the sand is not that shit you get in Florida that you can remove paint with... It is smooth and soft. Not to mention the palm trees, mosquitoes, and the food. :) *recalls fond memories...* I was just wondering because my mum is Malaysian. We go back there to my grandparents house every two years or so. :)
It's evening here!

Did you say you can't speak Japanese??? (I had to get my mum to translate that bit).

So...selamat malam, from me. :D
lol yes, I know, its basically the only stuff I know in Malay. I can speak maybe a few words, such as "sama sama", "satu", etc.

Oh and the ever populer "Keluar"
Yeah, and AWAS. :D

My dad used to think 'AWAS' was a place or something, cos he kept seeing it on all these signs! :laugh:

Okay, I'm off to bed now. Seeya, LL.
A market, just for you Leslie, where you can buy your fresh meats, vegetables, and clothes.... Stay away from the previously owned straws they try to sell.


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Restaurant... I think Shadowfax will get a kick out of this one since "kak" means shit in Dutch.


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Something nicer... the caves, but I forgot their names. Those are Buddhist temples you are seeing. And the stairs are retarded in that they are a little high for the normal person.


caves.jpg, 106.57kb
