Plea on restroom wall leads to trucker´s arrest

Good for her having the strength to keep on trying. :headbang: Hope the idiots who cleaned her messages off the walls feel rotten now.
I saw her on tv, she looked terrible.

I think I would have locked myself in the bathroom and refused to come out. What could he do? call the cops? make a scene, so somebody else called the cops?
I never saw it, but I can imagine :( You'd think in all that time she'd have found something, for god sake's it was a truck, there'd have been a hammer or tire iron with which to bash his head in, he had to sleep sometime.

He must have had her utterly beaten down. :( :mad:
No shit! If I woulda looked like her...he woulda definately had some boo boos :mad:

steaming hot coffee on Big Jim and the twins
wd-40 in the eyes
hell, a coupla fingers in his eyes..up to the 2nd knuckle
If she has a fractured pelvis, she isn't going to be able to go anywhere fast. If she did attack him, she would need to get the hell out of there quick, and I don't see how that's possible with a fractured pelvis. I've been told it's the most painful and dangerous bone to break.
Plus looking at the photo of him, he's not a small bloke. Thank god she's free of the sick bast.
People like her truck-driver 'boyfriend' make me feel sad for the human race. If, after hundreds of thousands of years of genetic selection, folks like him still exist, we must be doing something terribly wrong...
I saw her on CNN giving an interview, and she looked terrible. I hope that someone does something to help her get back on her feet. She said that she has nowhere to go and no family.

As for the guy, I hope he gets what he deserves.

This is one of the most pathethic situations that I've seen on the news in quite a while.
Isn't it amazing just how much humans can be more animal-like than animals themselves?

Sick bastard.
And some people wonder why I support the death penalty...That whacko is a prime example...
I'd go over there and mess up that guy's face myself, but it looks like I don't need to beat it into too much of a pulp, as it looks like shit already!
It's easy for us to say what she should've done and what we would do to that bastard ... thankfully she can move on now.