PM email notifications

if everything worked you'd break something just to have something to do :D
considering that only about 10% of the whole operation lies within your sphere of infulence ... no.

You can't control my mishmash hardware,
force me to get the latest drivers,
make my ISP anything less than twitchy,
prevent brownouts,
keep contrators from slicing fiberoptics when digging trenches,
keep my Win2K settings from going into cardiac arrest,
predict when the MySQL will go ape,
keep static off of my DSL line,
make Outllook Express anything less than the most virus assaulted piece of software in history,
juggle the endless codecs for .wav, .avi, .mpg, as well as every little .pdf compression trick and missing .dll files,
deal with people who think that C:formatC:\*.* is a good idea to reclaim space.

Its a jungle out there.
Gonz said:
if everything worked you'd break something just to have something to do
Well, yes, but it'd be something unimportant like the stats page or the calendar. Not something major like the mail server. :mope: