Inbox contains 110 messages.
You have 211 messages stored, of a total 50 allowed.
Um, spike ... you've been loose for nearly a week now. Didn't you notice at all?
So that's 50 sent or received. I keep most of those because they were interesting. I've cleaned out some but it's going to be hard to get it down to 50 sent or received.
I had just sent Gonz a pm before this happened and he said he would try to get in contact with Leslie to see if I could be let out of the KK because I promised not to insult anyone even if they insulted me first.
Now I don't even know if he replied because my inbox is suddenly 100% full. He did tell me he doesn't read any threads in the KK so I really have no way of getting in touch with him at the moment.
If one of you guys could check in with him and see if he's heard from Leslie that would be great.
Ok, it's been months and I've promised several times not to insult people unless I'm insulted first. What more does she want exactly?
Also, think you might be able to fix my inbox situation?
Whatever, I can do that. Just tell me what happens the next time RM, Winky, H20, Gato, or Cerise insults someone? Just for the record and all.
Ok, it's been months and I've promised several times not to insult people unless I'm insulted first. see if I could be let out of the KK because I promised not to insult anyone even if they insulted me first.