PM Pop-ups Problem


Lately, this has been acting up for me. Usually, its a no pop-up problem, but sometimes I get pop-ups and no message. Anyone else having problems? :confuse3:
That happens when someone sends you a message, then immediatly retracts it. Wanna see?
Maybe it's just you, imagining you are seeing a pop up, when one isn't really there?

....there seems to be some sort of voltage irregularity or possibly a short in the database....AS THE PM POP UP THINGY IS NOT WORKING PROPERLY.

Thank you for your time.
Listen Mr. Smartbutt :D Leave my demon- NIC outta this....

besides...if my nic is powerful enough to break the pop up thingy....I'm keepin' that sucker:headbang:
Got any more details than "The pm popup pops up when I don't have a pm"?

Such as, does this happen after you mark all forums read, before you mark all forums read, when you come back after leaving the site without marking all forums read?

Or is it like this goddamn motherfarking vBulletin user administration script and the not-working is completely random?

Could it be that you have your browser set to OTC as the home page and someone else is using your computer while you're gone, and then they get the popup and click cancel and go on their merry way?
fury said:
Or is it like this goddamn motherfarking vBulletin user administration script and the not-working is completely random?
That's it!!
I thought i had it nailed down to no pop up after coming out of the shoutbox...but then that theory got shot as far as I can's completely random.:grumpy:
I don't have the time nor the patience to find out what's causing it right now... Just disable the pm popup and look to the top of the page for a small, bold message saying Unread Messages.

Or keep your email box open.