PM Pop-ups Problem

unless they fixed it or its for certain people they were saying they got the pop up message but no new messages.
AlladinSane said:
Freako I really have a problem with your lack of punctuation... :nuts:
I kinda like it when he jumps in the middle of a thread he hasn't read AND doesn't use punctuation:tardbang:
Q said:
WTF does that mean???

when i read it they had gotten the message but no new pms. sorry i shoulda been more clear

AlladinSane said:
Freako I really have a problem with your lack of punctuation...

sorry ill try to use it more crap i forgot the period
Squiggy said:
Hes saving it....One day, he'll post with just punctuation and no words...
................................................................. :D
Q said:
I kinda like it when he jumps in the middle of a thread he hasn't read AND doesn't use punctuation
when did i do that?? :tardbang:
sorry i must have confused you with some other freak104 or somebody fromanother forum or somebody from work or something like that but again I might be wrong or it could be that im just mixing metaphors i forget but thats ok because sometimes its better to be yourself and not count on things which you may or not have heard to guide you through it. its just a thought don't take it to serious or it can hold you down. ok