Once I get home, I'm adding in the Who's Where hack which is almost finished and will show the locations of all the people who are online (or should...).

Then I'll start on the PM notifications.

Would you like to have the PM popup window or an email, or both?

Maybe even something that blinks a bar at the top of the screen?
I for one don't want breasts lol I am amazed fury found and retained the question through this thread btw.
It comes natural to a guy like me, baby :eek:

As for the Breastesses comment above, I concur! :headbang:
while you're at it, not to be picky or anything, :rolleyes: but in the PM area when you're about to submit, at the bottom of the message there is an option to check message lenght . I think that's spelled wrong :p :D
mmmm, I think I could do without pop-up breastesses notification....perhaps something slightly more subtle :rolleyes: ...puhleeeeeze
Um, there is a sex tab in the useer profile. I'm sure it wouldn't take too much work to key the popup to it. Men get the breasts, women get something else, and blank get something generic.
The email notification has been added as an option in the Edit Options page, for now everyone's has been set by default to Yes for your convenience, as I believe most of the members would want this.

The PM popup and flashy thingy at the top of the screen w/ options to turn them off will take a bit, as I will have to write them myself, since I can't find any modifications for them over at