Poison Ivy sucks

outside looking in

<b>Registered Member</b>
I got it playing golf last Saturday. It's only on the top of one finger on my right hand, maybe a half inch by half inch spot.

I figured if I didn't scratch it and just let it be, that it would go away in a few days. Well, it's nearly a week later and it just keeps getting worse.

The blisters are stacked up one on top of the other. It isn't spreading (thank goodness), but it's horrible looking. I started taking benadryll and using hydro-cortizone cream yesterday... anyone know any other "folk remedies" that will help it dry up?
i know of calamyne (sp?) lotion, works well for horse nettle and poison ivy, fell in some horse nettle when i was 12, geez my face was all puffed, not nice when you were an overweight kid already! :eek:
I had it last year and tried every remedy in the book to no avail. I had to go to a doc in the box and get a steriod injection to clear it up after it ended up spreading all over my arms legs and face.

a. Absolutely no scrubbing of the area.
b. Nothing more than lukewarm water and soap on the afflicted area.
c. wash your bedding daily.
d. If its really sumac instead of poison ivy, the benadryl creams will be useless.
I really don't want to go see a doctor about it. It's not spreading, so that's good, and it doesn't really itch anymore, so that's good, but it's just really bad looking. :(

Any way to tell if it's Ivy or Sumac? Does it taste different? :D