Police Use Stun Gun on 6-Year-Old

If it's a case of him being in imminent danger and that was the quickest way to resolve the situation maybe they did the right thing. I imaging you'd have had to have been there to really know.
:alienhuh: Hey...why not pepper-spray the kid while he was at it?!?

Fire a few warning rounds into the air?

I swear that they hire only cops with small brains as well as small dicks. Give them a gun and they're half human. Idiot!
It took 6 teachers to keep an unarmed Avery in a classroom a couple weeks ago.

he's six.
we moved :D
It was myself and hubby. I don't mind yardmowing.

see that's his trick. He "looks" harmless. then WHAMMO!
:hmm: Are stun-guns legal in Canada? Perhaps we can all pitch in and give you a Christmas present... :D
He'd use it to adapt ;) Afterwards, he's make use of it to control his brothers.
A 32 year old Ontario woman was found dead by her two older children in the charred remains of her home Boxing Day. The 3rd child, a 6 year old boy, is now holed up at McDonalds and police are currently in negotiations with him by walkie talkie. He is armed and dangerous, holding his hostages by stun gun. His demands at this time appear to be Cheeseburgers, a GameBoySP and Yu-Gi-Oh cards.
Gato_Solo said:
:hmm: Are stun-guns legal in Canada? Perhaps we can all pitch in and give you a Christmas present... :D

Nope...but people still slip across the border and buy them or have them mail-ordered :D
Leslie said:
A 32 year old Ontario woman was found dead by her two older children in the charred remains of her home Boxing Day. The 3rd child, a 6 year old boy, is now holed up at McDonalds and police are currently in negotiations with him by walkie talkie. He is armed and dangerous, holding his hostages by stun gun. His demands at this time appear to be Cheeseburgers, a GameBoySP and Yu-Gi-Oh cards.

Perhaps we could talk him out, and offer Pokemon instead... :D