Political correctness rears its ugly head ...


Well-Known Member
and its getting uglier than ever.

We wouldn't want the other teams to actually lose would we? Just think of how the other children would feel.

Maybe they should just not keep score like they do in soccer.


Baseball Team's Pitcher, 9, Ousted for Being Too Good
Monday, August 25, 2008

A Connecticut youth baseball team with a phenomenal 9-year-old pitcher has been disqualified because its team is too good.

The team, Will Power Fitness, has an 8-0 record thanks in large part to pitcher Jericho Scott, the New Haven Register reports. His pitching is so fast and accurate, the Liga Juvenil De Baseball De New Haven asked the team's coach, Wilfred Vidro, to replace him so he wouldn't frighten other players.

“The spirit of the league was community, family, well-being, nurturing," Peter Noble, the league's attorney, told the Register. "It’s an extended family and it’s been disrupted.”

On Saturday, Jericho and his team showed up to the ballfield despite the fact the league canceled the game because they feared an "unhealthy environment" due to (whining, sniveling, pouty - j) parental bickering, Noble told the paper. Jericho's parents, Nicole and Leroy, planned to meet with an attorney on Monday.

The Scotts said the league — which is not affiliated with the Little League — wanted Jericho to play for a stronger team. The parents and the coach claim the reason is because that team is sponsored by a local barbershop where the league's president currently cuts hair, the paper reported.

“If you keep these kids on the field you keep them off the streets,” Leroy Scott told the paper. “I’d rather have him [Jericho] in the midst of this controversy on the field than dealing drugs on a street corner.”

Click here to read the full story at the New Haven Register.
aren't kiddie sports great these days when everyone is a winner and gets a trophy? (and has ADHD and/or asberger's (sp?), is allergic to everything, blah blah fuckin' pussy kids and pussy parents...)
Little League has pitch count rules and the like so the kid can't pitch every game. I would think whatever league this team is affiliated with would have similar rules.
Where are these people? Are teams still win and lose around here.

Yes, I know it says Connecticut. I was speaking figuratively as you hear about this horsepuckey but it's never around you or involving anyone you know.
If the kid's too good for that level, move him up. It doesn't help the current league to have a single player highlighted in this way, nor does it help the player grow into his sport. :shrug:

The best way to make all the kids enjoy themselves (RULE NUMBER 1)
is to keep all the teams as balanced as possible - hence trials before teams are picked. If one team is way too strong, nobody else has a chance to compete.

Balance + fair play = fun for everyone involved.

As for the parents - Give the parents a RED CARD like they do in soccer. That'll shut'em up.
It is silly, but like Bish said, if he is too good, move him up to another league (if there is one)