Political end run

Oops, thought of a better way to say it and squiggy read my post before I finished the edit...
Republicans are the Grand Old Party and the Democrat party is a bunch of asses, hmmmm

for that matter, wouldn't independents suggest that there is no party?[/QUOTE]

yes but if anyone remembers Ross Perot he ran as an independent didnt he? ok so i forgot Libertarian. sorry :p i mentioned those cause they were the first ones to come to my head at the time
Gonz said:
OK...I know all about the free speech thing but c'mon, can we kill these idiots? pullleeaasssssse?

Do you think they're serious? I though it must be a joke. I mean, politically correct Nazis?
If that's a joke (well, you know what I mean) the creators have too much time on their hands. Seriously too much time.