Politics - The Breakdown


New Member
I'm still learning political terms. Have been for several years, I'm just waiting for them to sink in so I won't get confused so easily. *lol*

I've got this much:

Right Wing = Republican

Left Wing = Democrat

And then you have liberals in there somewhere? Independants?

Can anyone simplify it?

I'm guessing from various conversations around here, Squiggy is Liberal and Gonz is far right. Right?
Gonz is far right, yes. Squiggy is liberal, but not extreme liberal.

Liberal is the same as left. Libertarian are people that think they are something other than Right or Left, but are usually wrong.
And I guess those that see the sides of both sides are the fence sitters, or middle people? Is that the Independants?



Independent-wimp who won't take a stand
Hard to say, Rose. This forum has moved me farther left than I've ever been. Gonz wants to take over the world using our military to drive them to their knees. To me, thats fascist. But he says fascists are left wing so I guess hes left wing. Which would drive me to the right....:D
Traditionally yes,

Gonz is right wing in some respects but not in the traditional sense imo. Those tend to be more obviously religiously oriented again imo. One of the things to remember here is that when it comes to politics it's the opposing isle that defines you. Independent is a party term but is far from descriptive as are democrat and republican.
Incorrect analogy-

Fascism puts nation above individual. I place individual above all.

Don't take 'em over. Just remove the threat.
It's all just a big game at times, isn't it?

SO Gonz, where is it that Libertarians sit again? Was that included in your wimps who won't make a stand?
Libertarians take quite a stand. Smaller government, less interference, let capitalism decide.
Communism, Commune. Basically the government is only there to ensure that all people get an equal share of the wealth. Great idea on paper, but politicians lie and steal.
See, that's what I'm thinking. Ideally, communism sounds pretty good. But apparently I'm missing a bit. :D

Thanks for the link, Gonz. :D
from each according to his abilities, and to each according to his needs....

unfortunately the human race is predominantly made up of greedy and lazy assholes :disgust:
Rose said:
See, that's what I'm thinking. Ideally, communism sounds pretty good. But apparently I'm missing a bit. :D

In a perfect world it is. If people were "good" communism would work but then so would anarchy because if people were good they would love other people and take care of those in need.
To get a better perspective try not to think in terms of just right or left as that can tend to confuse things. Instead think of it in terms of a four point grid. As an example, stallin i would consider far far left but hitler would move off in a third direction and to the right. A one demensional scale is just simply not enoiugh.
Rose said:
See, that's what I'm thinking. Ideally, communism sounds pretty good. But apparently I'm missing a bit. :D

Thanks for the link, Gonz. :D

in the words of homer simpson:
In theory communism works

Marx had some good ideas but the govts who took over using communism did it in a way that didnt work.
Specifically, the government was supposed to be a temporary crutch to aid in the transition from a traditional bourgeoisie/prolateriat system into true communism. But that put an awful lot of trust in just a few people, and somehow, the temporary crutch lasted about 80 years in Russia, the first nation to go communist. The system was supposed to be a retort to capitalism, which Marx saw as the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. But the "interim" government in Russia/USSR wasn't much of an improvement on that. The masses were still poor.

Of course, the fact that the Communist Manifesto was intended to be applied in an industrial economy, such as Marx's home country of Germany, and Russia was an agricultrual economy, didn't help matters much.

The reason why Communism is still around in China is because the Chinese government has made a lot of concessions to capitalism. Similarly, the US has made a lot of concessions to socialism (which is what the USSR system actually was... fascism and Naziism were the same way) in the way it operates.

In true Communism, everyone owns an equal part of everything, and everyone shares according to need. In true capitalism, the market decides and the strongest survives, much like Darwin's theory of natural selection. The only problem is that both ways' ideals count on humans being basically good. Many are, but it only takes a little bit of greedy scum to ruin the whole thing.

If we had a true capitalist system, there would be no government regulation of business practices. If the working conditions were atrocious, the worker would have to grin and bear it or find a job elsewhere. If one company was able to force all its competitiors out of business, then tough shit. There would be no antitrust suits against Microsoft, for example. Under true Capitalism, Netscape shouldn't have stayed stuck on 4.7 for so long; it's not Microsoft's problem that they released two or three new versions of their IE software in the time between Netscape 4.7 and Netscape 5 (which was so long in coming that they just skipped 5 and called it Netscape 6).

So that's a basic rundown of capitalism and communism.
All you need to know is that Gonz is exactly right.

I'd vote him for President anyday of the week..
Preferably after Bush's next term so as to assure we don't get another bleeding heart, jelly spined Democrat in office.
Hoon said:
All you need to know is that Gonz is exactly right.

I'd vote him for President anyday of the week..
Preferably after Bush's next term so as to assure we don't get another bleeding heart, jelly spined Democrat in office.

Your check is in the mail :headbang: