
you ever noticed that all other ethnicities come before 'American'?...
e.g. Asian-american, African-american..., but when refering to indians,
"American" comes first. e.g. American-Indian.
Navajo (as an example) is not spelled A.m.e.r.i.c.a.n.

The tribes wanted independence. To what extent was it granted. Were Indians granted citizenship?

Unadulterated evil? Yea. But I'm using 21 century moral standards. I didn't live then. Much like I don't think anyone realizes how slavery came from a a different mindset in 1790 than in 1990.
you ever noticed that all other ethnicities come before 'American'?...
e.g. Asian-american, African-american..., but when refering to indians,
"American" comes first. e.g. American-Indian.

Different meaning
Navajo (as an example) is not spelled A.m.e.r.i.c.a.n.

Neither is Scots Irish, my own ancestry for the record. One was here first, is referred to as a native, and still got (and gets) ass raped in the name of "I want". Who the hell decided these people were less than human? Perhaps the same people who later decided that Southerners didn't deserve to share in the collective spoils of the day? To keep them one step above slaves in their little heirarchy? "Youse guys down there just make sure you keep sending us our raw materials and food, and pay these taxes we decided you should pay just because, and be quiet little whelps...we got baked beans to eat up here."

Fuck that. Fuck that repeatedly. Fuck it 160 years ago, fuck it 50 years ago, fuck it last week, fuck it today, and fuck it tomorrow. The arrogance and self serving tactics are really gettin thin. I just hope and pray I get to live long enough to help cause, or at least watch, it come crashing down. THEN where all them bastards gonna retire to...Des Moines?
you ever noticed that all other ethnicities come before 'American'?...
e.g. Asian-american, African-american..., but when refering to indians,
"American" comes first. e.g. American-Indian.

Not if you say "Native-American".
Just as soon as you find a group of people who are indigenous to the Americas, let us know. We'll call 'em Native-Americans.
Just as soon as you find a group of people who are indigenous to the Americas, let us know. We'll call 'em Native-Americans.

well considering that there's evidence putting ancestors of american indians here upwards of 35,000 years ago, and no evidence of anybody else before that, it's a pretty good bet that they were the "original inhabitants."

if you don't believe me, try googling "shovel shaped incisors."
ancestors of american indians here upwards of 35,000 years ago, and no evidence of anybody else before that,

My point being, EVERYBODY started this continent as a immigrant. There are no genes with Made in the USA on them.
Just as soon as you find a group of people who are indigenous to the Americas, let us know. We'll call 'em Native-Americans.

So in your twisted world, Navajos (for example...) came from India.

If I live 100 years, some people will never cease to amaze me.
By this rational only the original inhabitants of pangea are original inhabitants.

Came in to say after reading some history The natives of North America must be the worst treated minority ever. (including a certain group in WW2 germany)
That Minnesota incident is referred to as the Great Sioux Uprising. My Great Grandpappy lived through it. When the indians realized that most of the white males were off fighting the Civil war, they went on a murdering rampage and killed a lot of settlers. That didn't exactly ingratiate them with the Minnesotans, hense the desire to hang them. I think you will find that the Chippewa weren't exactly fond of the Sioux either.