Poll: World Doesn't Respect Bush


New Member
Interesting this came out after the G-8 summit...
Who gives a damn what other nations leaders think?
This is the bigest problem that I see is that people are more concerned about what the neibors think instead of coming up with something original...

(CBS) Americans generally approve of President Bush's handling of the current Mideast crisis, according to a CBS News/New York Times poll, but six in 10 say the president is not respected by foreign leaders.

The poll finds Americans are pessimistic about the prospects for Mideast peace and do not think the United States should involve itself in the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah.
well the poll is about the US's forgein policy as it has to do with Israel and Lebanon. it being of worlwide intrest, and it's effect might effect more than just the US other world leaders opinions do count, the US is not the world unto itself.
I respect his office, and respect the goals he is trying to accomplish. His means, however, could be better IMO.

Drop a few bombs and see if little bearded men in the sand start to respect him.
paul_valaru said:
well the poll is about the US's forgein policy as it has to do with Israel and Lebanon. it being of worlwide intrest, and it's effect might effect more than just the US other world leaders opinions do count, the US is not the world unto itself.

So? ? Foriegn policy is, generally only two things...Means and Will. If you have both, your policy will be effective. If you're missing either, you will be useless. The US may not be the world, but at least we're effective.
Hmmm...."CBS News/New York Times poll" heh heh heh heh

Is there a better combination of two biased media outlets?
So far everybody missed it.

It doesn't say World Leaders were polled & the the results are..., it says people who have been listening to the liberal media think the world hates us & their leades have no respect. We're getting second hand second-hand info.
Then why is it, whenever there's a problem, they call us, not Koffee, first?

Typical role for power...everybody bitches until they need help.