Poor Paris...

pot said:
Still that's nothing more than a SLIGHTLY, somewhat educated WILD guess about someone I know NOTHING about really. Top that off with that since I don't know her it's none of my god damn business in the first place, and it's rude of me to speak ill of someone I don't know at all anyway.

And you'd never do that yourself, now would you?

So. When exactly did you meet President Bush?
Lame ass comparison SnP, and on top of that, when has Paris made a decision that effects your life?

I imagine George is a nice guy, probably very pleasant to hang out and have a beer with, or whatever social activity I could engage in with him, but I don't Judge Bush the man. I judge Bush the decider, based on his decisions, that actually do effect me.

I wonder if either one of us (you and me both) will ever grow up? I know I am heading in that direction again after a long pause, but I doubt you'll ever get one step closer.

:D have a pleasant Day SnP.
Seriously...take a look at the whole jail time thing. that alone proves that the silver spoon in her mouth at birth was very nourished in a not so postivie way by the parents.

Look at Kim Kardashian. She is rich, hung out with Paris and Nicole and she has not ever presented herself as a drunk and/or uneducated idiot. Ya she had the sex tape, but she didn't go and "steal" it out of the store. She put a stop to it legally.
The only time Kim Kardashian is worth looking at is if she's facing away from you. :D [/Sir Mix-A-Lot]
Seriously...take a look at the whole jail time thing. that alone proves that the silver spoon in her mouth at birth was very nourished in a not so postivie way by the parents.

Look at Kim Kardashian. She is rich, hung out with Paris and Nicole and she has not ever presented herself as a drunk and/or uneducated idiot. Ya she had the sex tape, but she didn't go and "steal" it out of the store. She put a stop to it legally.

I am sure you are probably right about who and what Paris is, and I am off my "high horse" now. I was only trying to get people to consider that as screwed up as she may be, she didn't ask for her life, it's the hand life dealt her, and I am sure she is doing the best she can with it.

And also saying do not underestimate life's magical power of forcing her to eventually grow up, get a job, and buy a life, by continuing to bitchslap her until she gets it, like we all inevitable have to do in some way or another unless we want to lead an entirely meaningless existence.