Poor unc...

A like watching them go berserk on unstable summer afternoons. You can almost see the barometric pressure needle move as it slides towards 'kiss your ass goodbye'.
I'd like to have one of those too... of course, the weather's generally stable enough here for it to not be a whole lot of fun.
The barometer turned out to be a piece of junk. Apparently decent mechanical barometers are expensive as hell. I need to save up for a digital weather station.
The funny thing is... when the weather goes to hell in a teapot, the power usually fails... taking that thar innernet doohickey with it. I don't have palm pilot computer like you do to check up on such things... not that the graphic would ever download anyway.
Which is why I need that iphone ;)

Besides wouldn't the power outage nix your weather station?
At least my power stayed on long enough to see the tornado warning online last time before the sirens sounded around here. Didn't come on for 8 hours afterwards, but at least it wasn't pre-emptively out. :D
I'll settle for a puppy....

I'm gettin dog fever too. We still have a wonderful German Police Dog (Louie) but I miss my Elvis. :crying7:

The plan is to fence most of the back yard next spring. I wouldn't have a basset unless he/she is fenced because they get lost too easy. Any other breed and I trust Louie to take care of them running loose, but bassets (God love 'em) just ain't smart enough to follow the same scent that got 'em lost back home.

When I do get m'pup it'll be either a basset, boxer, English bulldog, English Fox Hound, bloodhound, beagle or a Heinz 57. There are other breeds I like but they aren't wise choices for our climate (huskies) or budget (St. Bernard) or other reasons (dalmatian).
Those are all excellent dog breeds, snp. I've always loved boxers, beagles & bassets. :)

Alas, apartment living does have its downside - be really hard to explain the gigantical dog to our residents for a start (not really supposed to have pets in our building; new zealand sucks like that). Hence getting a cat. Much easier to live with in an apartment.
Pardon the pry... but dual income, no kids... why no house? A little more space, a little more freedom... not nearly as close to the downtown nightlife though.
What floor? Do you at least have a worthy view of the skyline? Wiaheke Island captured gloriously in the evening sun? ..or a dreary view of the 1/16 interchange...
2nd floor (of 5) - we bought one in and older building (circa 1912), view of lower extent of Albert Park & the Art Gallery.


edit: 2nd floor = 3rd level. (G is the first floor)
We're not on the waterfront (other end of Queen St actually), but yeah, ultra downtown. We like it. :D

The walls are sufficiently soundproof that I can not tell if we live next to nutters or not. They leave their apartment door open all the time though, if that tells you anything? ;)