Porn makes you gay

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Coburn staffer: Porn makes you gay

Dave Weigel, the intrepid Washington Independent reporter, was at the Omni Shoreham last week for the Value Voters conference, when Tom Coburn's chief of staff, Michael Schwartz embarked on a rambling explanation of the perils of homosexuality.

Schwartz, a longtime conservative activist who has been with Oklahoma Republican for 15 years, first claimed that homosexuality is wrong because most 10-year-old boys have an innate hatred for it.

Then he began discoursing on the evils of pornography, echoing a friend who once told him that all porn was gay porn because it turned men "inwards."

His conclusion: If you told 10-year-old boys that looking at naked pictures of women would make them gay, then they wouldn't be buying Playboy.

“Pornography is a blight... It is a disaster. It is one of those silent diseases in our society that we haven’t been able to overcome very well. Now, I may be getting politically incorrect here. And it’s been a few years, but not that many, since I was closely associated with pre-adolescent boys, boys around 10 years of age. But it is my observation that boys of that age have less tolerance for homosexuality than just about any other class of people. They speak badly about homosexuality. And that’s because they don’t want to be that way. They don’t want to fall into it.”

Schwartz told the crowd about Jim Johnson, a friend of his who turned an old hotel into a hospice for gay men dying of AIDS. “One of the things he said to me,” said Schwartz, “that I think is an astonishingly insightful remark… he said ‘All pornography is homosexual pornography, because all pornography turns your sexual drive inwards.”

There were murmurs and gasps from the crowd. “Now, think about that,” said Schwartz. “And if you tell an 11-year-old boy about that, do you think he’s going to want to get a copy of Playboy? I’m pretty sure he’ll lose interest. That’s the last thing he wants! You know, that’s a good comment, it’s a good point, and it’s a good thing to teach young people.”
You know it never ceases to scare me, how in Europe, where sex is not the taboo topic it is here in repressed fundamental Christian America, where porn isn't so taboo and where they have "sex shops" in the open (we saw one in the Airport upon arrival to Germany) they have less sex crime and perversion! Repression breeds deviance. The proof is all about yet religious mind control organizations hate to admit these facts! There is a wealth of information available on the subject, but here is a fairly accurate synopsis I read:

Summary and Conclusions

Exposure to pornography, which is common in the Internet age, does not directly contribute to rape or sex crime. In fact, there is some evidence that pornography actually reduces these crimes.

Some anecdotal studies on young people indicate that they are starting to accept pornography as just "part of the Internet," and it appears to hold much less interest for them than it does for many adults who grew up in a much more sexually-oppressed era.

Although we may hear of studies showing harmful effects of pornography, a close examination of procedures often reveals that the researchers are motivated by personal beliefs and the data is tainted by presuppositions.

We know that the people and situations depicted in most pornography are not typical. The subjects tend to be more beautiful and handsome than average (not to mention better endowed), the situations staged and the acts shown exceed the boundaries of common sexual predispositions. More troubling, safe sex is seldom shown.

"Sex education" that stops with "just say no," without honestly and openly addressing human sexuality in all its dimensions, invites young people to do their own exploring. Sexual predators have admitted that it's easy to exploit this information vacuum.

Studies also show that "just say no" in the form of abstinence pledges not only doesn't work in most cases but leaves these well-intended individuals at a higher risk of pregnancy and sexual disease.

The major concern of many social scientists today is that pornographic photos and videos do not convey realistic human feelings. The focus is on the mechanics, and the personal and even spiritual dimension of sex is missing.

" What hard data exists at this point -- as opposed to the long-standing range of prejudices we bring to the subject -- suggests that most people will not suffer any long-term negative effects by looking at Internet porn. "

-Gary Webb, 2001, who has won more than 30 awards
for investigative journalism

Finally, there is a major fear that pornography will cause young people to disregard decades, if not centuries, of beliefs in sexual restrictions. This, of course, is a matter of personal morality, which varies with religious beliefs, times, places, and conditioning.

" Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts."

Sen. Patrick Moynihan

Another one of those situations which makes me want to go....

what the hell is a dumbledore?
most porn stars do gay stuff...Last time I watched any sort of porn at all it was girl on girl. That's gay. I'd watch it again.
Anything can be a fetish... if you show shoes to a 10 year old boy, he's gonna be gay.

..something has GOT to be done about this...
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